Title: Unravelling Threads of Fate
Rating: PG-13 for now. May change depending on what I decide to do. XD
Pairings: UraIshi (in this chapter, there's IchiRuki as well)
Summary: AU. Ishida has had a hard life. With the help of some friends, it finally looks like things are going to work out. When he meets a bizarre and cheerful man named Urahara
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Comments 19
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Aww, thank you! X3 ♥
I'm working on it. XD It might be done later today.
LMAO Tasty but distracting. 8D
I loved it. *adds to friends* I will continue to read this with great joy.
So far it's well written and gives off the impression of a good and aged storyteller giving a tale in a slow and meticulous fashion, a style that I love. Your characterizations are exact almost to a fault and I love the way you've kept canon factors within the story (like Rukia's complete inability to draw) while not making it so horribly obvious that you're doing so. A well woven tale... I look forward to more. :D
There's quite a few more canon factors to be seen later on. ;)
I'll try my best to actually finish this. I have a horrible tendency to leave stories unfinished. XD;
I finally read chapter 1! >o< ALRIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!
Going off to read the rest now!
Its a nice mellow flow and u keep everyone IC! 8D
even though the IchiRuki bit dealt me a punch to the neck Q_Q but I'll withstand it, Ura-chan! *^*
Thank you!
Sorry about that. D: Don't worry, there won't be too much about them. LOL The UraIshi will make up for it!!
I never knew the Bleach fandom was so WIDE!!!!!!
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