Genetics - 7/8

Jul 08, 2008 00:52

Title: Genetics 7/8
Author: Claire
Fandom: Dark Angel
Rating: PG-13/R
Summary: Max/Alec, set post transgenic conflict - Manticore left one last little present.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six

And just like that, the game changed... )

max/alec, genetics, dark angel

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Comments 11

anonymous July 8 2008, 00:43:02 UTC
SO glad you finally added more to this story. Apologies for not reviewing earlier too.
I like the original concept of this. From what I remember of the end of chapter six I felt there was a jump to the beginning of this chapter, cause I don't remember there being a 'cure' for their condition as yet. Like the comparison to not being Logan style relationship. Thank the gods for that.
Looking forward to the last bit. Hopefully it won't take you as long to write/post it.
Ripples of Water
ps. Yep I am enjoying reading this fic.


mythverdandi July 8 2008, 10:04:01 UTC
Ah, yeah, they did come up with a solution. In chapter 5. It's just been working up to it since then! :)


x5_max_mcdowell July 8 2008, 00:46:39 UTC
I really like this story and I can't wait to read more please up-date soon. I've been waiting a long time for this chapter and the wait has made reading this all the better


mythverdandi July 8 2008, 10:04:40 UTC
Hah, yeah, I apologise that it has been so long. This chapter in particular has been really difficult to write. But I'm back in my stride now!


p3karen July 8 2008, 01:28:47 UTC
I'm glad to see you updated, great chapter :)


mythverdandi July 8 2008, 10:04:59 UTC
Thank you! :)


gimmemypickle July 8 2008, 02:44:04 UTC
I'm so excited that you updated! *flail*

What a great chapter!


mythverdandi July 8 2008, 10:06:00 UTC
I'm pretty pleased too - this chapter was really hard to write! :)


twasadark July 8 2008, 05:25:23 UTC
Ooh! Entertaining story with hot sex! What could be better? Looking forward to the last part!


mythverdandi July 8 2008, 10:09:19 UTC
Thank you! Hopefully the last part should come a lot sooner than this one! :)


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