Oct 09, 2011 00:39
Apparently, someone looking rather like me was seen yelling at the children. Loudly and unexpectedly. And she did seem to wear nothing I would ever use while sane and sober. I suppose this would be yet another gift from our kind ever present guardians. Not a month of rest, I swear.
Though, the flowers were a sweet gesture.
!event #012,
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My only care is her wellbeing. Her choices are her own and I will not interfere. And I do so for her, because you, for whatever reason I cannot begin to phanthom, make her happy.
Oh really? You can't begin to fathom? How about starting with the fact that I'm not Osiris?
Of course you are not, just as I am not Nephthys. Heavens above, is it always the same? I cannot understand because you act as bluntly now as you did then. You did not change.
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