CHARACTERS: Agravaine (
nevermercy) & Raphael (
DATE/TIME: Friday, early afternoon
LOCATION: Just outside Bellevue Hospital Center
RATING: Tameish
WARNINGS: Language, Agravaine.
SUMMARY: The antichrist meets an archangel. ... Or close.
The cigarette between Agravaine's lips felt weightless, almost as if it wasn't there at all. A thumb flicked over the wheel of his lighter, flame appearing and disappearing every few seconds. He'd felt restless since learning of Gaheris' presence. Always on edge, as if expecting his brother to suddenly appear around a corner. While his anger was well-contained, the wrong words could set it free.
If the fresh cuts on his wrapped knuckles had anything to say about it, it was something that needed to stay inside rather than out.
He puffed away at his cancer stick, tossing a fleeting glance the doors of the hospital center as a person slipped through. Fuck. Fucking Gaheris.