Hi all. I am trying to find a song, "Sora" by "Yoko Kanno"... I can't seem to find it anywhere.. If anyone knows where I can get it, please post below, thanks :)
Well, I have been doing Kung Fu for a few weeks now, a few lessons a week, though I am not going this week due to money issues (I get paid the day after
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Looking over my friends list and listening to "I'm sorry I haven't a clue" is not a good combination. So here are a few joke names from people in my friends list. All for shits and giggles
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People have asked me, "Are you a Kangaroo.. or a Werewolf?" Well neither, I'm human. However, my "persona", for people who know what I'm on about, is a Kangaroo. However! I like playing a werewolf sometimes :D