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Comments 4

unevoked April 14 2011, 23:50:04 UTC
[Castor starts upright, cold sweat beading on his forehead and between his shoulderblades. It wasn't just the heat-- the vivid, searing feeling-- it was the collapse, the absolute helplessness of watching someone die, letting them run into the blaze in vain.

It make his stomach wrench at how much to reminded him of Pollux's description of his sister's death.

His fingers thread through his hair as he rests his elbows on his knees, staring at the sheets between his feet. The monsters tearing themselves apart-- had they been people? Even if they were just beasts, it seemed unnatural. And the children smashing to pieces...

Well, he probably wouldn't be sleeping the rest of the night. Distantly he wondered if the strange shared-dream experience was simultaneous-- and how many other people had bolted upright at the nightmare. It probably didn't matter, but he was curious-- And was Paladin aware that others were privy to his dream? (If it was his, as the voice had implied?) Maybe it was better not to bring it up.]


wayofflowers April 15 2011, 09:57:52 UTC
[Bellflower awakes with a start from the nightmare. A dream of monsters and fire and loss... and Paladin's voice. His dream then, perhaps. She liked the soft-spoken medic, but she had seen a hint of sadness around him, sometimes... perhaps this was why.]


marrymarajade April 15 2011, 19:43:00 UTC
[The last in the world...]

[This dream gets him to sit up, to put his legs over the edge of his bed, though he doesn't stand. He knows he is not the last; he can sense the lives around him, most asleep.]

[This was... One of the senior medics' dreams. Paladin, that was it. He'd had a memory on the radio a few months back.]

[Putting a name and a face to it helps. Ben slows his own heart rate and tells himself not to try to pick out what is memory, what is dream symbolism. They're probably intermingled.]


4/14 iattractmushi April 15 2011, 19:51:36 UTC
[Cloud started awake, images of fire burning everything to ash and creatures made of fire flickering in front of his vision for a moment after he woke. He gasped for breath, unable, for a moment, to quell the panic from witnessing such a disaster... Paladin's voice. He remembers, and the panic ebbs... that had been Paladin's voice, he's almost certain. Not his dream, then ( ... )


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