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Comments 161

samuraiblues August 4 2011, 15:47:28 UTC
YES! I've been waiting for your coloring of this! I've been constantly checking mysts just for this post XD *shot*
I love it so much :3 Hello new default icon :3


ryfee August 5 2011, 00:26:37 UTC
oh lol you ;A; ;A;
Thank you so much, Lene. <3 I'm really glad you like it! :D ♥


samuraiblues August 8 2011, 12:28:23 UTC
No problem :)
BTW, can I use this coloring for my desktop? It's just so pretty XD


ryfee August 8 2011, 13:07:21 UTC
Aww ;A; of course you can! But I don't even know if it'll fit your desktop. XD feel free to edit it to fit yours though! :3


miyasaikou August 4 2011, 15:55:15 UTC
how fast omg this just makes this scene even more beautiful ♥


ryfee August 5 2011, 00:29:29 UTC
I can't resist anything Rukia or IchiRuki related 8D
Thank youuu! ♥


ryfee September 14 2011, 14:52:06 UTC
This is so sudden, but--

It seems like I've been banned from your journal...? I was checking my friends page earlier, wanted to comment on your new entry, and then LJ told me that I've been banned from commenting there. D:


miyasaikou September 14 2011, 15:02:10 UTC
O-oh dear. I think I've had this problem before with another user but I have no idea why or how it happens!


ce_lestic August 4 2011, 16:06:54 UTC
Fee, Wow this is absolutely beautiful. I'm most impressed by Rukia's ips, the shapes is just pretty and beautiful. Rukia's hair and skin colour is magnificent. And I adore how you did Ichigo's hair. The colour is much different from anything I've ever seen you colour. It's beautiful.


ryfee August 5 2011, 00:32:57 UTC
Thank you so much!♥
See, I was so ":|" about her lips before, and I was on the verge of redoing it all over again except I was already lazy and exhausted -- so it had to stay. Now that I look at it thoughhh, I guess it's okay. I'll try better next time D8;
I'm glad you like it! <3 I definitely will do darker colorings in the future. :3


lazuli_reikou August 4 2011, 16:07:27 UTC
/is stunned by the awesomeness. OH MY GOSH. ;~;

The way you color hair is drop dead gorgeous jsyk. The extra details of pink make it pop but it still keeps with subdued color scheme and atmosphere. And the shading of the skin oh my word; the tones you use are always so beautiful! ♥ In other words: STUNNING! I wholeheartily love this and must read this manga sometime for the sole reason of using your Bleach icons. xD


ryfee August 5 2011, 00:38:00 UTC
kasdhkasdhasd ;////; ♥
you're flattering and making me blushhhh. Ahh thank you so much for your lovely comment ;A; ;A; I'm obsessed with hair if you can't already tell
<33 oh you should! It can get frustrating due to the author's slow pacing, butttt Rukia makes it all worth it for me /biassss
The characters are lovable, at least. :3 so does that mean I can hoard Bleach icons from you too in near future 8D


pogo2468 August 4 2011, 16:09:02 UTC
Sooooo gorgeous! Rukia's lips are amazing!


ryfee August 5 2011, 00:39:30 UTC
Thank you! Glad you like it. <33


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