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04/22 - TCG Currency exhange: 10 nekos for 25 hearts for p_aibamasaki, p_satoshiohno, p_koiketeppei, p_masudatakahisa, p_tegoshiyuya
- paycheck: fresh07, pirates09, tycushion02, kkdiamond06, bronze
- pv channel: yrballs06, snowglobe11, bronze
- easy scramble: greenfive13
- taq: aozora18
- memory: joyful01, ahoy08
- missing lyrics: office20, bravo09, bronze
- drama cap: russk12, kshappy05
3/14 - paycheck: ms08051618, joyous15, girigiri02, maru13, bronze
02/28 - paycheck: greenfive10, kshappy15, teppen10, winter04, bronze
02/21 - paycheck: obachan04, gasa12, atruth16, jjhsjtd12m bronze
- card calmity: 0902_03 (trade in 20 cards for new one coupons), tegoshidesu01, sc08030216, morimoto09
- pv channel: mnosbu19, bakanishi12, bronze
- drama cap: monopoly02, reunion10
- TAQ: anapple04
- odd one out: waraeba20
- memory: ms08051609, fumi14
- card criss: catch05
- paycheck: kitto04, newshappy07, nmpeace04, stepstep11, bronze
02/07 paycheck: aqua06, leisure11, schedule01, nmpeace03, bronze
- scramble hard: ms08051606, toma02, fresh09, club7, 2 bronze
- pv channel: kmnweeeek03, taiyo15, bronze
- forgotten lyrics: yrballs06, heydaiki01, bronze
- drama cap: gasa05, mnosbu14
- easy scramble: shadow18
- TAQ: story15
- odd one out: tmhappy01
- memory: taiyounoaka10, taiyounoaka18
- card crisis: duallife12
- junior juggler: 0902_02 (recieve 3 non-masterable choice cards from the same deck coupon), glossy07, obachan08
- even card: events09 (je-and-u 1st b-day
- new deck freebies: goodsound03, breeze03, artlife12 & snowlover15
- paycheck: hey308051208, ktsummer07, riida14, gasa19, bronze
- race to the hurdles 11, 12, 13: 0809ryo03, leisure19, kkrecord12, nmpeace03, koilove02, taiyounoaka06 & 6 bronze
- update freebies: events08 (layout), joyous01
- pv channel: mukoue15, unbelievable08, bronze
- forgotten lyrics: suits10, toma07, bronze
- drama sap: facinate15, ajsmile06
- TAQ: lovestory01
- odd one out: k8ot0116
- magzaine: russk05
- memory: tjuchiwa07, russk01
- card crisis: yourself10
01/24 - paycheck: tacchon06, treasure10, massu11, iysmile14, bronze
01/17 - paycheck: awonder08, crunky0314, lovestory02, bakanishi14, bronze
- scramble: sakurap14
- TAQ: shadow03
- odd one out: ktkk0105
- memory: story08, jeyukata04
- card criss: kazama12
- paycheck: 0809ty09, ytguitar14, suits03, crunky0302, bronze
- record shop: 15 bronze for cd_arashi_time_re
- magazine shop: 10 bronze for duet0802
- level up to Garage Band: awonder13, kitto05, dakedo20, awonder07 & 5 neko
- word scramble hard: taboo09, underneath01, tsukkomi06, spade10, 2bronze
- 9 square puzzle: taiyo07, unbelievable19, 5x513, 2bronze
- 4 square puzzle: jump02, heiseionly06, tyseed20, 2bronze
- card criss: machikirenai04, tatta06
- pv channel: transfers17, mail05, bronze
- forgotton lyrics: adventure05, taiyounoaka07, bronze
- drama cap: riida13, mail10
- easy scramble: baru12
- TAQ: goodyo06
- memory: nino06, newsyt0116
- new deck freebies: pvtruth08, saver01, adventure15
- paycheck: nystop05, 0809ryo14, office10, underneath18, bronze
- card criss: kkdiamond05, tjuchiwa13
- pv channel: handsup18, yrballs18. bronze
- forgotton lyrics: ytguitar06, gorgeous15, bronze
- drama cap: yoko13, cyyy14
- TAQ: yourhands10
- odd one out: seed12
- guess the magazine: king14
- memory: ytguitar03, tjuchiwa02
12/27 - paycheck: bj13, 12003, kkdiamond12, bravo06, bronze
12/21 - paycheck: ktsun06, newsyt0104, weeeek09, k8ot0118, bronze
12/14 - paycheck: obachan05, 0809ks15, king10, tyseed08, bronze
- paycheck: facinate08, kansha14, birthday02, minnairukai04, bronze
- race to the hurdles 010: ytguitar12, freshen07 & 2 bronze
12/03 - abc battle 002: greenfive15, yamadataro111, 3 music notes
11/30 - paycheck: yamadataro110, fumi11, nino12, dakedo14, bronze
11/26 - playing card submission: spade7, diamond8, clubking, club6, spade8, heart3
11/25 - ABC battle 001: ahoy15, morimoto15, 3 music notes
- race to the hurdles 009: chii10, yabucchi06 & 2 bronze
- memory: awonder01, dk06062525
- birthday freebie: fumi13, 7711, secret13, birthday07, silver neko
- paycheck: sc08080306, 0809mt15, hikaru04, handsup03, bronze
- pv channel: greenfive18, hikaru01, bronze
- forgotton lyrics: gasa08, mnosbu07, bronze
- scramble: aozora17
- TAQ: morimoto06
- memory: 0809mt14, newsyt0102
- paycheck: yamadataro106, shadow08, secret14, perfect07, bronze
- update freebie: events07,
- race to the hurdles 008: koyama09, koilove10, 2 bronze
- forggotten lyrics: 0708ktc13, catch04, bronze
- TAQ: russk03
- memory: doctorheli08, sakura08
- magazine: tesshi09
- weekly freebie: baru08
- paycheck: shige03, secret11, hikaru07, kazama09, bronze
11/06 - holloween event: events06, takaki15, gorgeous02, 5x514, boke10, 0708ktc14, heiseionly17, free_photo_02, 3 nekos
- song opening: 0809ty14
- odd one out: suits14
- memory: pcon05, havefun12
- guess the magazine: okguitar19
- new deck freebie: awonder08
- race to the hurdles #7: jump05, yumeyume09, and 2 bronzes
11/01 - paycheck: toma10, obachan09, truth13, 0708ktc07, bronze
10/28 - race to the hurldes #6: nakayan10, k8ot0104, and 2 bronze
- TAQ: bj11, 0810hw_05, 0810hw_08
- scramble: jump14, 0810hw_07, 0810hw_09
- odd answer: sakura15, 0810hw_10, 0810hw_02
- memory: namida13, bakanishi10, 0810hw_05, 0810hw_03
- magazine: heiseionly12, 0810hw_04, 0810hw_07
- weekly freebie: toma01
10/25 - paycheck: havefun12, 0809ks06, maru08, arukidasu13, bronze
- magazine shop: 10 nekos for duet0511, 0810hw_10
- photo shop: 20 nekos for photo_tego30, photo_news_09, photo_hsj_017, photo_takaki_002, 0810hw_03, 0810hw_05
- scramble hard: boke09, freshen08, boke11, club6, 2 bronze, 0810hw_10, 0810hw_05
- pv channel: tycushion03, ahoy13, bronze, 0810hw_02, 0810hw_03
- forgotten lyrics: makki07, chii03, bronze, 0810hw_06, 0810hw_02
- drama cap: taboo06, aiai15, 0810hw_01, 0810hw_02
- scramble: mail03, 0810hw_07, 0810hw_05
- TAQ: takaki01, 0810hw_06, 0810hw_04
- memory: hey307110516, hey307110501, 0810hw_02, 0810hw_09
- magazine: doctorheli08, 0810hw_08, 0810hw_05
- race tot he hurdles 005: bambina11, duallife07, 2 bronze
- freebie: sakura07
- pay check: yamachan12, k8ufo03, morimoto12, facinate09 , bronze
- paycheck: tegoshidesu09, hey307110518, newsyt0120, ueda13, bronze
- race to the hundred 004: voyage03, bravo08, 2 bronze
9/27 - paycheck: leisue12. taiyo14, bravo05, maru01, bronze
9/13 - paycheck: shige05, handsup02, perfect14, itsbignews05, bronze
- odd one out: jump07
- memory: cherish11, ashita16
- magazine: havefun07
9/06 - paycheck: taboo01, havefun13, dk06062520, gorgeous08, bronze
- forgotten lyrics: catch02, seed03, bronze
- drama cap: gorgeous05, seed05
- scramble: nino06
- TAQ: sakura03
- song opening: bambina10
- odd one out: bright10
- memory: shoon11, mail11
- guess the magazine: arukidasu04
- weekly freebie: bright09
8/30 - paycheck: cherish14, yourself13, 0708ktc09, handsup07, bronze
- new deck freebies: catch01,truth01, palette14
- race to the hurdle: yamapi12, happiness03, aozora11
- paycheck: kitto07, tsukkomi07, namida10, pcon10, bronze
- drama cap: yourself03, girigiri18
- easy scramble: russk07
- TAQ: 7707
- odd one out: tacchon09
- memory: tatta10, fumi06
8/16 - paycheck: happiness07, tsukkomi05, 0809kei11, bakanishi11, bronze
8/14 - card switch: enjoy13
- forgotten lyrics: takaki12, cartoon13, bronze
- drama cap: ktkk0112, k8ot0109
- easy scramble: lovestory15
- TAQ: cartoon06
- odd one out: bambina03,
- memory: betrayal04, tsukkomi14
- paycheck: aozora04, lovestory03, arukidasu05, yamachan14, bronze
8/03- card switch: taguchi07
8/02 - paycheck: heydaiki01, cherish18, newt0109, 0809kei08, bronze
7/30 - pick a johnnies: story04 & bambina15
7/26 - paycheck: suits11, nino09, jump09, bakanishi04, bronze
- drama cap: aiai07, handsup08,
- taq: fresh08
- song opening: machikirenai19
- odd one out: yamadataro101
- memory: koyama02, newsnonews06
- weekly freebie: yamadataro112
- pick a member: heydaiki11, taiyounakak13
7/19 - paycheck: aiai16, yamadataro102, dk06062518, perfect02, bronze
- scramble hard: tacchon12, makki09, dk06062508, clubjack, heartjack, bronze, bronze
- forgotten lyrics: fresh15, russk10, bronze
- drama cap: aozora19, lovestory10
- scramble easy: chii02
- TAQ: suits04
- odd one out: massu14
- memory: 0809kei04, hey307110503
- pick a johnny's 0708ktc05, aqua02, 0708ktc11
7/12- paycheck: russk01, kitto18, takaki12, bronze
7/05 - paycheck: makki18, kazama14, sc08030207, bronze
7/02- flip puzzle: bj13, bravo01, bronze
6/30 - easy puzzle: daiki03, suits09, bronze
- forgotten lyrics: ms08051605, koyama14, bronze
- scramble: aiai02
- TQA: dk06062510
- magazine: cherish11
- memory: heydaiki15, ms08051607
- weekly freebie: 5x511
- group challenge: tsukkomi07 for jump16
- paycheck: nino10, koyoma09, suits08 & bronze neko
- weekly freebie: kazama04
- flip puzzle: hikaru01, nino03, bronze
6/19 - card switch: fumi15
- easy scramble: taiyounoaka08
- song opening: baru07
- TQA: 5x505
- guess the magazine: jump06
- memory: cherish03, 0809kei01
- paycheck: katsun02, aiai14, yoko02, bronze
6/11 - 9 square: dakedo13, teppen02, jump16, 2 bronze
6/10 - 4 square: taiyounoaka19, taiyounoaka06, dk06062503, 2 bronze
- matrix: ashita19, bronze n
- TQA: yamachan01,
- memory: chii14, handsup15
- weekly freebie: makki04 & free_photo_01
6/07 - paycheck: handsup09, teppen10, yamachan05, bronze
- TQA: taiyounoaka07
- memory: koki08, bakanishi14
5/31 - paycheck: massu11, newsnonews13, shoon11, bronze neko
- tqa: newsnonews12
- magazine: baru14
- memory: yamapi07, yamachan11
- weekly freebie: suits10
5/25 - paycheck: itsbignews14, yoko11, maru04, bronze neko
- cover cunfusion: massu14
- memory: koki09, baru15
- weekly freebie: baru15
- paycheck: teppen06, handsup07, yamadataro109, bronze neko
- T Q A: massu06
- memory: boke04, fumi07
- paycheck: kurosagi103, eito11, teppen07, bronze neko
4/12 - paycheck: hey307110520, maru07, eito06 & bronze neko
4/8 - card switch: happiness04
- memory: riida11 & sc08030211
- guess the magazine: kame13
- T-Q-A: yoko09
- word scramble: dk060625
- weekly freebie: dk06062525
- pick a johnny: teppen08
- card switch: riida01
- easy puzzle: sakurap03, dk06062512, & bronze neko
- tamaneko's q-&-a: shige14
- guess the magazine: happiness09
- weekly freebie: baru01
3/6 - trade: membercard with akashi
2/26 - easy puzzle: tesshi09, boke10 & bronze neko
- weekly freebie: ryochan15
- card pool: fumi05
- T-Q-A: fumi03
- guss the magaine: minnairukai11
- song opening: tacchon15
2/20 - easy puzzle: katsun05, tacchon14 & bronzeneko
- cardpool: baru02
- weekly freebie: eito01
- song opening: riida04
- T-Q-A: happiness06
- guess the magainze: yoko03
2/17 - pachinko: 1neko for 3 balls
2/16 - easy puzzle: koki05, yoko08 & bronze neko
- t-q-a: baru11
- purchase photo: 5 nekos for photonino01
- group master: donate tsukkomi15 for bakanishi01
- guess the magainze: tsukkomi07
- weekly freebie: tsukkomi15
- badge & button donation: itsbignews18, handsup05, koyama03, kame11, maru08, bakanishi01, bronzeneko, bronzeneko, bronzeneko, silverneko
- started deck: baru03, baru04. tacchon06, happiness03, fumi11, bronzeneko, bronzeneko, bronzeneko
Trade logs
02/04 - trade: story 08 & 15 for truth02, happiness13 with kilika
02/02 - trade: teppen10 for yoko05 with akashi
01/31 - trade: greenfive15 for bambina12 with reiyuki
01/13 - bakanishi04 & 0708ktc14 for fumi10, truth14 with rina
- trade: king14 for dk06062511 with sam
- trade: chii 02, 03, 10, 14 for baru09, awonder04, dk06062504 & riida14 with elizabethh
01/04 - trade: handsup07, handsup18, taiyounoaka07, teppen07, teppen08, bravo01, bravo05, bravo08, namida10, birthday02 for baru10, fumi14, riida10, awonder19, tacchon08, tacchon10, happiness10, dk06062526, dk06062527, dk06062529 with akashi
12/27 - trade: sakura15 for truth04 with reiyuki
11/25 - trade: sakura07 for baru13 with reiyuki
11/18 - trade: greenfive18 for riida03 with reiyuki
11/16 - trade: heiseionly17 for tacchon02 with reiyuki
- trade: ahoy13, bakanishi01, arukidasu05, 04, 13, fresh08, 15, massu11, mail11, story04, yamapi07 & 12 for baru06, fumi01, 09, tacchon04, awonder02, 5x515, riida08, bright02, 04, 12, truth03 & 11 with uyuki
- trade: nakayan10, pcon05, pcon10, news12, news13, and yamadataro109 for fumi04, yoko01, riida07, bright08, bambina07 & 09 with anjenette & membercard
11/06 - trade: heiseionly12 for bright04 with reiuyuki
11/04 - trade: facinate09 for happiness14 with reiyuki
11/03 - trade: ueda13, bakanishi10 & 11 for tacchon05, dk06062506, dk06062513 with rina
10/24 - trade: freshen08 for dk06062502 with reiyuki
10/17 - trade: seed05 for bj05 with reiyuki
10/10 - trade: shoon11 & taiyo14 for bambina06 & yoko14 with Reiyuki
9/21 - trade: itsbignews14 for dk06062507 with akashi
9/07 - trade: nino 06 & 10 for dk06062514 & taguchi03 & membercards with reiyuki
9/04 - trade: koyoma14 for fumi02 & membercard with akashi
9/02 - trade: 5x505, enjoy13, nino03 for my russk08, russk14, kazama13 with baystorm
5/22 - trade: dk06062510 for your fumi07 with sam
4/07 - trade: minnairukai11 for fumi08 & membercard with qqtenshii
4/03 - trade: bakanishi01 for yoko12 & membercard with sam
3/03 - trade: tesshi09 for tacchon01 & membercard with anjenette
2/17 - trade: maru08 for happiness15 with naoi
2/15 - trade: handsup05 for baru05 with uyuki
2/14 - trade: itsbignews18 for fumi07 with akashi
2/13 - trade: koyama03 for fumi12 with akashi