Fanfic: Matter of Time (7/7)

Feb 08, 2014 15:08

Title: Matter of Time (7/7)
Author: mysticallight6
Characters: demon!Dean, demonic angel!Castiel, Sam
Genre: Dark, Horror, TW for knifeplay & bloodplay
Rating: T
Summary: AU There would only be one way to truly keep Dean safe in Purgatory and Castiel let the demon out of the box. Slash

Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural.

I just want to take a moment to thank you guys for reading this story. This isn't something I normally write so it was definitely interesting writing something so dark. Enjoy the final chapter and I'll see you guys sometime in the future.

Months later -

Peter looked carefully, just over his shoulder and continued walking. That - that girl had been following him for the last eight blocks.

She didn't look particularly imposing, whoever she was. She actually looked about a whole foot shorter than him and ten years younger. Barely even a high schooler. And were those blonde pigtails? Why wouldn't she leave him alone? Why him?

She had a hand in the front pocket of her pink hooded sweatshirt where something looked like it was bulging. Oh no. Fuck, she's got a gun! She's going to rob him! Worse - she's going to kill him! She's some kind of serial killer and she's going to add his head to her tally!

But she looked like she was only fifteen years old. What is it with kids these days, huh?

Panicking at this point, Peter turned down the nearest alley and wasn't really all that surprised at this point. None of the lights on any of the buildings was working save for one single weak bulb along the back wall above a door. He heard the soft sound of footsteps and the girl rounded the corner right behind him. In the pale light of the stars, he watched her draw from her pocketed sweatshirt a large, dangerous and very sharp looking kitchen knife.

She twirled it in her hand, raised it above her head and - a man jumped out of the shadows and stabbed something deep into her stomach. The girl lit up like a firework as she fell into the guy's arms and he lowered her down to the floor.

What the...? Was she tasered?

Two more people, both also male, appeared suddenly from the darkness. The first male removed the strange looking knife from the girl's stomach and stared at it.

"What, what happened?" Peter asked aloud.

The three men all turned to him as one and he realized his stupid mistake a second too late. The first one, the one with the knife, was the biggest of the three. He brought the blade to his mouth and...and...licked the blade clean of blood. Like a child licking a good lollypop.

The shortest raised his hand and Peter found himself suddenly unable to move.

The third one laughed to himself and walked towards Peter until he was right up in his face. One second the man's eyes were a dark green and the next they were entirely black.

"You really, really should've kept your mouth shut."

When they were finished, Cas was the one to check that the coast was clear before they could walk back out onto the main street without drawing any attention to themselves. Dean walked at the head of their little group. Castiel and Sam meanwhile walked just slightly behind him, flanking him on both sides. As they went past apartment buildings and storefronts, all of the demons that they passed within the general populace gave them wide, wide berth. Sam made a mental note of each one that they passed, letting his eyes flash a golden yellow before any of them had the chance to look away.

"Where to now, guys?" Dean asked suddenly.

"Maybe we should call it a night," Sam said with a sigh. "Make the call and plan for tomorrow."

One second the three of them were on the street, the next they were in their own little apartment just outside of downtown Detroit.

"All right Sammy," Dean said, putting his arm around Cas' shoulders, "You're on police call duty tonight and then, I don't know, do whatever it is that you do when me and Cas are -"

"Having loud, raucous sex in the next room?"

"Shut up, Bitch. But yeah."

Sam smirked at the two of them and raised his hands in surrender.

"Remember, he stabbed her."

"I know, Dean," Sam said, pointing to his head. "I was there. Casual passerby."

"Good night, Sam." Castiel walked away from Dean for a moment and gave Sam a kiss on the forehead and touched two of his fingers to his skull. Sam's eyes glazed over for a second before turning yellow and he grabbed his phone to report the crime.

Dean and Cas walked into their joint bedroom and shut and locked the door behind them.

"He doesn't try to fight you anymore," Dean commented while removing his shirt.

He turned to find Castiel already settling onto the bed, leaning on his side with one hand propping his head up and the other patting the space beside him. Dean settled in by his side and pulled Castiel to him, bringing their lips together for a sensual kiss. When they moved away from each other, Dean put his arm back behind his head and smiled as Castiel leaned his head against his side.


Dean turned his head and gave Cas a kiss on the crown of his head. "Yeah?" he asked back.

"Are you content?"

That was an odd question from the former angel. "Why do you want to know?"

Cas snuggled in closer to Dean's body and sighed while running his finger against Dean's side, eliciting a surprising shiver. "Just wondering," he said back.

Dean adjusted himself so that he was looking Castiel straight in the eyes before putting his hand against the side of his face and smiling. "I'm…I'm better than fine," Dean said, his eyes switching from regular to demonic. Cas smirked and made his own eyes go white. The door to the room next door shut and locked and Dean smiled up at the ceiling.

"The three of us. Together. I don't think anything will ever try to go against us again."

Cas nodded his head against him. "It would be prudent for the monsters and the demons to hide whenever we approach a town."

Dean sighed. "The Boy-king, the Protégé and the Fallen Angel. The more improved, better Team Free Will."

Castiel made a purring sound of contentment. "Sleep well, my love."

Dean gave his angel another kiss on the top of his head and thought back. Maybe everything had been leading up to this very moment. All of the choices that they'd made, everything they had done from the beginning and ending of the Apocalypse, to each of them going through hell and heaven and purgatory itself and back, was leading to right here and right now. Honestly, the world was going to go to shit in the end anyway so why not have a little fun. The world had no idea who was roaming around in it. The world had no idea.

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