Another funny and amazing episode xD I love how much Nekazawa is in it compared to how it was in the anime xD Scarey women are in this episode though o_O
Haha yeah when Tamaki died xD Haha you can spam Ouran as much as you like =D I love how everyones shocked and Kyoya is like "mission accomplishe teehee" xD
I can finally spam on my LJ about Ouran then!! lol I was kind of worried that not many people would like me spamming about something else that has no Seto. OTL Especially since my lj is 90% Seto. XDDDD
lol he was very amused ne. XDDDD He probably did set everything up and knew what was going to happen! lol
Comments 13
THAT LAST SCENE!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! <33333333333333333
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Haha the last scene was amazing; all the girls are like =O and the host club are like "bai bai! *waves*" xD
At least it's really funny to watch poor rejected Tamaki. XD Yusuke really is doing such great job! ^_________________^
I just love how Hikaru and Kaoru wave!!! IT'S JUST SO CUTE!!!!
Yusuke is doing AMAZING! I've always loved Yusuke anyways <3
Haha yeah their wave is amazing! =D
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Haha you can spam Ouran as much as you like =D
I love how everyones shocked and Kyoya is like "mission accomplishe teehee" xD
Especially since my lj is 90% Seto. XDDDD
lol he was very amused ne. XDDDD He probably did set everything up and knew what was going to happen! lol
There's 2 tumblrs dedicated to the LA Ouran if you need a quick fix or something:
Nothing wrong with that. My LJ used to be like 100% KAT-TUN, now it's mainly dorama spamming and translations xD must make it equal soon! haha
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