2013 D-Stage TRUMP ~ Truth Version REVIEW!

Dec 08, 2015 22:15

So this past week I have been heavily obsessed with this play. I've watched it like 5 times xD And I've finally ended up with two pages full of notes and I wanna share them with you all!

First as always is my play-by-play then my overall thoughts at the end and possible pic-spamming xD I will also have text in italics for any comments that I made during my 2nd - 5th watchthrough of it and possibly a (number) stating which time it was that I'd made the comment xD sound complicated but hopefully won't be! SO! Here we go!!


Straight away this just reminds me of Nishi in Kuroshitsuji! xD
Are they vamps?!
Nishi looks like some.... another actor...
Shion is the old guy right? (3)
OMG a naked opening!!!
The fucking music <3333 (4)
I love how the opening cleverly has important parts of the play in but at the same time it doesn't obviously spoil anything <3 (4)
And they're all singing?!?!?!?!
Fucking died when IkeP showed up in the opening!
I missed Mae's though! *rewinds*
I am gunna fucking love this... More than I thought I already knew I would!
THERE HE IS! (Maechan)
*is currently listening to the play as she types up her notes xD* (5)
Shame they didn't sing the opening on stage =[
More sword fights?! FUCK YEH!!!
Ryo <3
NICE costumes!
Sophie? - nice name!!
I am now absolutely in love with name Sophie for a guy! (5)
What is Jun doing in the background while Ul and Sophie talk?! Because the camera cuts away it kills me every time! I wanna know!! (3)
When IkeP shoos them all to class >.< (3)
O jesus! Mae's hair! Fucking hell! The long hair mess is here!!!
Shira  looks A LOT younger and... thinner? here!
I already like his character.
Omg every time Shira kills me at the high voice xD (3)
OMG NEGI'S HIGH VOICE! Every fucking time I die (3)
OMG Kenki looks so different and bad ass!
I love how insync they are during the dancing and group movements.
OMG the jumps backwards xD
BWHAAHAHA he painted on muscles >.<
OMG great use of the stage! <3
OMG everytime IkeP talks, it in a deep voice! I've only ever heard his stage voice! (Tenimyu, Trump, Yuhiden) is it really his voice? *we later learn it's not xD*
Ike x Shira every fucking time I die (3) I always go from seriouslt hot to seriously laughing when he goes 'KOI!' xD (3)
Jinnai's here! <3
I fucking love the way they pronounce 'Allen' <3 (5)
Looking hot Shion!!
IkeP looks cute in the ear muffs <3 and no longer talking deeply so we finally get his natural voice...
Wonder why Yamada was picked for such an important role... O! Wasn't this around his Sentai days? That makes sense....
Yamada's voice is nice and soft ^_^
Kenki's rebound xD
OMG Shion's strong version >.<
His smile every damn time (3)
Jun and Arai look like they're making out cos of the camera angel >.< (3)
These vamps don't leave forever?! They lost it...
'True of Vamp' something is off with that English xD
I hope Ryo doesn't turn evil...
I love Sho's voice in this play <3 especially the wayhe says 'tsugi' (3)
I love the school tour sequence so much!! (4) When Jun and IkeP bounce during the choir part <3 (5)
Okubo looks AWESOME!
Is that... Jun?! o_O AMAZING ACTING JUN!!!
I love how Jun grabs Ryo and then proceeds to brush his hair away from his eyes <3 (3)
Okubo got a cray-pace going on! I love him in his dark hair and glasses <3 (3)
I like Jinnai's character too!
That smile Nishi!!! <3
Dali-s entrance xD (4)
OMG Dali-chan was hilarious xDD
OMG poor Jinnai!!!
Who is it who's playing Dali? Tsurumu? (the guy who left who I don't know anything about)
Kenki is trying not to laugh >.<
Jinnai x Yamada <333 the dance <333 (5)
The music in this is perfect!
"What is he to you?" MORE THAN A FRIEND!!!! xD
"You smell nice" xD
Jinnai's character is so interesting and mysterious.
Is Ul dying??I
I knew he was a Damphir!!!!!
Those earmuffs <3
So Kraus does have a hidden pesonality!
Jun+IkeP xD
OMG 100 renpatsu xD I cried laughing!!!
OMG that fire scream!!!
Oh what?! OMG they are totally played us by mixing the years together!
My mind is blown?!?! OMG... please don't tell me I was the only person who didn't realise it was two different running time lines?!
I KNEW HE WAS TRUMP!! You don't have a dual personality and NOT be a major character or plot point!
I really like all the slow motion they actually do in this.
So... is Nishi their son??
Holy shit Jinnai!
Ike died!!!!
OMG Jun killed Ryo!
I have a love/hate relationship with Jun's laugh in this (5)
OMG "Eternity can go screw itself" hilarious translation xD
OMG Nishi's scream!
It's gunna fucking end here ain't it -_-
Can't he make Ul immortal?!
I need another three hours of this! OMG!

Overal Thoughts:
When this play first got announced way back in 2012, I immiediatly wanted to watch it! I was more hyped after seeing the photoshoot trailer! But cos I was in England I couldn't watch it. And in true MP style I started watching this play without knowing what the hell it's about, cos I do that with ALL D-Stage plays xD And oh man oh man, when it introduced that it's about vampires. I was fucking on board; for good or for bad cos I freaking LOVE vampires!

I enjoyed this so much!!1 Like omg the story was interesting, ALL the characters were doing something interesting all the time! The use of the stage was amazing! The transition between scenes was amazing! My mind was blown quite a few times and I wasn't really expecting many of the reveals even though the theory had crossed my mind! Omg I loved this. D-Boys did it again!! Every single time they produced something seriously amazing!!! I have so many favourite things from this play and even on my 5th watch I was still heavily laughing at the same things!! The person/characters who stood out the most was obviously JunJun cos I have a sick attraction to crazy, evil characters as well all know from my obsession with Hirugo from Yuhiden >.< but Angelico was just <33 My least favourite, surprisingly, is Ul but for no realy reason, he just didn't catch my eye as much as the other people but his scenes were definitely touching! What other praise can I give without spoiling much... the sync! They all sync so well together! <3 But we knew that anyway cos D-Boys always get along well xD

I honestly have two negatives and they ain't really negativres:
1. Jun's laugh was a little weak for his character but I enjoyed his laugh none the less <3
2. I need a prequel, sequel and three more hours of this please!!!!

But yes, this is amazing. Everyone should watch it! Especially vampire lovers! It's a nice twist on the vampire theme!


^^ Defo my favourite pic! ^^

^^ Fucking IkeP <3 I just wanna huggle him!

And there we have my review of TRUMP!!
Also, if anyone has any TRUMP pictures that weren't on the d2boys tumblr (yes all my pictures are from there!!), then please share!! xD GIFs would be even more perfect!

negishi takuya, mitsuya ryo, jinnai sho, yamada yuuki, d-boys, shison jun, yamaguchi kenki, omi youichiro, d stage, akutsu shintaro, nishii yukito, review, d2boys, ikeoka ryosuke, shiramata atsushi, maeyama takahisa, okubo shotarou, arai atsushi, trump

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