Title: Reason 16: Prom Night
Series: 50 Reasons To Have Sex
mystic7194Fandom: Supernatual
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Length: 478 words
Rating: PG
Warning: Minor violence, mentions of sex
Summary: In one of the episodes of How I Met Your Mother the character create a list of 50 reasons to have sex. So I’ve written a fic for every reason. The fics are
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Comments 3
And in conclusion, do you think if I tell Cas I never went to prom, he would make a similar offer to me? I sure would LOVE that. Sigh, I suppose he's too far gone on Dean for this to happen. But a girl can dream!
Good job!
If you prayed hard enough Cas might go with you (because he's nice like that) but only as friends. And dean would probably be the one to watch out for. No one touches his angel but him. He'd probably show up with measuring tape to make sure you're not too close and yell at you if your hands wander.
they are so damned cute, it should be outlawed!
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