Title: I waited Too Long
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: It's gonna be pretty obvious, so no summary.
We stood there waiting
Waiting for the Champions to open the ball
Then in walks Krum, with you on his arm
At first, I wouldn't believe it, it couldn't be you
Your hair wasn't bushy and your teeth were all straight
No, it couldn't be Hermione Granger
But then you happened to glance my way
And then I knew it wasn't my day
Because there was no denying it was you
And I had blown it
I sit and watch you two dancing
And you were smiling and laughing
And all I can do is think to myself
Ron, boy you sure blew it
I realise now, too late, what I feel
You're more to me than one of the guys
You were my soulmate, my future
And now I see that future flying away
Like a snitch on the breeze
I should have asked you right off
Not waiting to the last minute
And then that would be me you're dancing with
Not Viktor Krum
For once we would be the stars
Not the sidekicks, like before
We would shine even brighter than Harry
The Boy Who Lived, our Friend
But no, it's too late
I'll just sit here miserable
With the worst date in the world.
This is the last time
I go with a Ravenclaw!
How could I blow it so badly
Suddenly Krum isn't so great
He's the enemy
You're dancing with him, and not me!