Just a Human With Two Hearts (2/?)

Oct 31, 2009 20:16

Title: Just a Human With Two Hearts
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: Still R for violence language and generally being Torchwood
Summary: She wasn't supposed to be there, but somehow she survived. Can she move on from a war that took everything from her?
Notes: Still written for Time Crash :) Still don't anyone but the dear Lacey, though here she's still Mystic.

Owen just wanted a nap, that’s all. He wadded his jacket up under his head, and curled up on the sofa in the Hub. They’d been in since five that morning after Jack got reports of flying saucers. Which, once again, turned out to be nothing but the equivalent of teenagers stealing dad’s Porsche, and Owen felt he was robbed of his much needed sleep since he didn’t even crawl into his bed until two am.

Gwen was busy on the phone, giving cover stories to various agencies. She was always the best at dealing with the outside world, and since she’d only been put back on active field duty since getting shot. She rolled her eyes as she dealt with a rather obtuse person, getting a giggle from Tosh.

Tosh was working on one of her many projects that occupied her time when there was nothing better to do. She glanced over Owen as he tried to burrow into the couch for some sleep. She wondered what he was doing this time that warranted a mid morning nap. They were all woken up equally early, so it must have been an interesting night. She’d ask him about over drinks tonight.

Ianto was preparing the coffee as usual. He still thought the team didn’t trust him yet, and he couldn’t blame them. Yet the Welshman knew if he had to do it over again, he would still do it the exact same way. He was not convinced that Lisa had been beyond saving. He was trying to move on, he really was, and Jack was helping, but he was beginning to wonder if he’d ever be able to get over her.

Jack stood at the window of his office, looking down at his team, filling in the down time as best they could. He’d noticed the team seemed to finally be growing closer and working as a team, and not as random people who share a workspace. He felt proud of them, sometimes feeling more like a father than a boss, at least to little Tosh and Owen. Gwen, there was something there, and did sometimes wonder if perhaps, under different terms; a different time, or a different place, if they’d have been anything. As it was now, she was with Rhys, and happy with him, and he and Ianto…well, he hated the word couple, and after the Lisa incident, the two of them were rebuilding the trust between them. He glanced over at the Welshman as he walked over, a fresh mug of coffee and smile on his face. He returned the smile. “Read my mind, as usual, Ianto. It’s beginning to get uncanny.”

“Well, it’s not hard to see when you’re wanting a cup of coffee, sir,” he said, “Gwen also says there’s another call from UNIT.”

“We are not taking those Spidery Mouse things, I mean it,” he shuddered, “hate those things.”

Ianto chuckled at the man, “Yes, Gwen told them we’re full up of small creatures and have no room for them. I think she might have flirted a bit to get them to lay off for a bit.”

“Oh yeah, she’s fitting right in.” He turned with a smile as Tosh came into the office.
“Jack, we have a problem.” She said, “I’m picking up major Rift activity.”

“Ok, we’ve dealt with that before, where is it coming from?”

“Inside the Hub.”

Jack stared, “You’re kidding me. Are you sure it’s not above the Hub?” Tosh gave him a look that made him hold up his hands in surrender. “Can you pinpoint where in the Hub?” He wanted to clear the area out, who knew what was going to fall into their laps, literally. Before Tosh had a chance to answer Jack, there was a flash of white, the Hub shuddering as if rocked by an explosion. Jack instinctively put himself in front of Ianto and Tosh, forcing them behind him as he watched Gwen duck under the workstation, rolling fast for a woman who had just had stitches out, and Owen falling off the sofa and rolling under it. They all watched the woman fall nearly cracking her head against the water sculpture. Jack came out of his office. “Gwen, Owen, both of you ok?”

“Think so,” Gwen answered, crawling out from under the desk, looking over to the broken woman that crashed into their lives.

Owen rolled out from under the sofa, rolling his eyes. So much for his bleeding nap he thought, looking over at what the hell had just dropped in on them. Seeing the injured woman, Owen was up and moving, nap forgotten as the doctor shouted for someone to grab his medical kit. He knelt by her side, swearing softly. He didn’t even know who she was or if she were even human, but these wounds looked fatal. He wasn’t sure he could save her. Gwen brought him the kit as he pressed his hands against her gaping side, trying to staunch the blood flow. “Give me some gauze, Gwen,” he said, holding out the hand that was not holding the wound. He turned to the woman, about to say something, when she sat up suddenly, fixing him with a piercing gaze. When she called him Max before collapsing, it was all he could do not react oddly to it. Why the hell would she call him that? Did she know him? Did she know about his childhood?

It took him a few seconds to realize that he wasn’t seeing her chest rise and fall. “Shit,” he moved, motioning for Gwen to hold the gauze on the wound while he tried to resuscitate her. He stopped, and stared again, as he saw a ripple of gold shimmer across her skin, “What the hell?”

“Owen, Gwen, get back now!” Jack called out to them.

“Jack, she’s glowing,” Gwen pointed out, moving back with Owen.

He nodded. “Yes, congratulations, Torchwood was founded thanks to Time Lords and now you actually get to see one.” He hadn’t seen regeneration before, just read about them in UNIT and Torchwood archives. As the glow faded, the curly haired woman had been replaced with one that looked far younger. The hair was still ginger, but now was wavy. She looked shorter, if that were possible, but it was hard to tell how much since she was laying down. The wounds were gone, though the clothes were soaked in blood and the water. She was unconscious still, but breathing. Jack was the first to move, as it seemed the rest of the team were still in shock. He picked up the woman in his arms, carrying her towards the medical bay.

The four other members of Torchwood stood there, looking at each other in shock. Owen looked down, seeing his jeans ruined with her blood and soaked through from kneeling in the water. He followed Jack into the med bay, needing to wash his hands and change into the scrubs he kept there. Gwen walked back to her work station, straightening up some papers, though constantly glancing back towards the medical bay. She’d been the only one close enough to see the slight pause when the woman had called him Max. Something about the name startled him.

Tosh went over to the computer, nodding. “Rift back to normal. Looks like she was the only thing coming through,” she looked over at Gwen and Ianto. Ianto was making himself busy, cleaning up the stuff that the explosion had scattered. They all tried to look like they weren’t waiting for an explanation from Jack.

Owen pulled the scrubs top over his head, throwing his jeans in a bin. They weren’t even worth trying to salvage. He looked over at the woman lying on the one bed they kept there for cases that required monitoring. Jack had changed her into a examination robe, and pulled a blanket over her to keep her warm. He glanced over at her ruined clothing and the weapons they’d pulled off her. “She looks like she just survived a war.”

“I wonder,” Jack said, still looking at her. He shook his head. “Do a complete scan of her. There should be some base norms on record somewhere for Time Lords. Let me know what you can get.” He walked up the stairs to the main Hub, leaving Owen with no answers and an unconscious woman who seemingly knew something about him that no one else did.

owen/gwen, tosh sato, owen harper, ianto jones, fic: complete, torchwood, doctor who, just a human with two hearts, au, gwen/rhys, jack harkness, gwen cooper, original character, jack/ianto, mystic

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