Title: Ritual (13): Gratitude (2/3)
Pairing: Peter/Nathan
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Incest, explicit m/m sex, power/pain play, alcohol use, angst, language
Spoilers: Season 1
Summary: During the Thanksgiving holiday, Peter and Nathan struggle to communicate with each other. Their tangled web of fear, desire, and love threatens to tear them apart,
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Comments 12
At nearly 2:00 a.m. there's not much coherence here, but wow, I enjoyed this.
You get the emotions of D/s games right in a way that most fanfic writers don't manage. I'm still mad at Nathan for his condescenscion in making Peter come to the family holidays (I used to work a suicide hotline on Thanksgiving and it's very difficult to find replacements if someone backs out), but the hot/dirty/wrong/perfect fucking is making it all better. *G*
This is a terrific addition to both Ritual and BigBoom.
I'm still mad at Nathan for his condescenscion in making Peter come to the family holidays (I used to work a suicide hotline on Thanksgiving and it's very difficult to find replacements if someone backs out)
I remain mad at Peter for giving in to Nathan's manipulation with only the barest amount of fight - but yeah, he was hoping they'd get together. Peter's just as much of a slave to his sex drive as Nathan is; he knew what was at stake. And his frustration at giving up what he knows was the right thing to do for the sexy thing to do, only to have Nathan pretend that he doesn't know what Peter's on about, is one of the factors that makes him so hostile.
But yeah, that hostility just made the sex hotter. ^_^
He looked beautiful and demented and pure.
You're just so good at getting exactly the right combination of words to describe him. I love that image. So hot!!! ;)
Again, ouch, Nathan: That's all right," Nathan replied smoothly, "I've got Heidi for that." Twist the knife, why don't ya?
It was nice to see Heidi get in there and mix it up. You've got her voice down well, and I love it when she actually gets to take action in a fic instead of just being Nathan's accessory.
Nathan admitting that he was weaker than he wanted to be, and Peter agreeing, knocking Nathan down, too, to prove it.
Awww. This is such a fitting encapsulation of their little game.
And now... time to play? ::sprints to part three::
Oh yes, we play. ^_^
There's been no sex for the past 2 chapters, and they've still been two of the greatest I've read ever!!! Is this the first time you've done an "inner thoughts" thing from Nathan? I can't remember reading one from his POV before. It was really kind of...disturbing (but perfect, of course).
And yeah, no sex for the first three bits, except in memory. I wrote this using the general model for all the stories - the setup, overcoming the obstacles, and then the booty. But oh, my my, the booty goes on for quite some time...
Nathan is awesome!crazy.
Definitely re-read everything - if you want a fun way to do it, use the Ritual Reader's Guide and read them all in "chronological order" - it's actually about ten times more disturbing that way, since the stories begin when Peter is just a little kid, before things become sexual - but you'll have that childhood image in mind when they do. If this were taken "literally" or seen as a real-world situation, Nathan is both extremely messed up and completely horrible. ^_^
I have a severely twisted mind.
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