They are hitting it out of the park every week this season. If there was any justice in the world, folks would be watching this - and enjoying it, too. Oh well, there ain't. Also unjust? STILL NO MOHINDER. This is really upsetting; I guess if they figured there was no way to write him to the caliber that they can write the Petrellis and the
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Comments 27
And lol at Emma - I was trying to reconcile her time with Hiro versus her job and figured maybe she was just using her coffee breaks wisely. ;)
Milo. Beautiful, beautiful Milo. Oh, he brings me joy.
*sniff* Miss... Nathan... so bad...
HOLY CRAP! I love how hard Nathan fights to stay alive (even if it's just in Sylar). You can totally see what's Nathan and what's Gabriel. Just... Wow. I'm thinking the Pasdar is proud of Quinto. And did you notice how his voice dropped when he said, "Call me Nathan?" I'd be amazingly happy watching Team Peter/Noah and, yeah, I know it will NEVER happen but wish it could have, Team Nathan/Gabriel.
Magician Hiro was the first time I've completely enjoyed his character in ages. We have the adult with a childlike wonder back from season 1. See? He can still be cute and funny but show maturity at the same time. Whoever wrote him in this ep - please keep doing so!! Consistency = character love!
I adore Emma (and agree that she's lovely even though it's Lydia who has stolen my heart)and agree that Team Peter/Noah is a badass show unto itself.
Fantastic episode. For the first time in ages I've started looking forward to Mondays again. The only disappointment in the entire 42 minutes was Sylar not fully morphing into Nathan at all. Yes - we need more Pasdar! My withdrawal symptoms are starting to show!
That'd be Rob Fresco - he's pretty damn good; he also wrote "Turn and Face the Strange", "Villains", and "Building 26". Not as definitive a voice as a Fuller, a Kring, or a Jesse Alexander, but he's strong.
Yes - much MUCH moar Pasdar!!
I loved it, but it's missing some Nathan; visible Nathan, that is to say PASDAR...must have him soon. And Mama P. Miss her, too and Mohinder *weeps* Where oh where did he go...
Love the recap. I really have nothing to add. RIP Winston Zeddmore. Peter was scrumptious and so beautiful; it's a bit distracting really. Dude is just too pretty. Quinto, oh Gawd, Quinto. He's so good. What they're doing to him, him discovering his powers, reviewing his past, being disgusted yet fascinated by it. Again, Gabriel, again. And the flirting, oh God the flirting was sooo Nathan.
Next week's preview...did you watch? I did. And my head exploded.
They're doing well; keep the momentum going with these eppys :)
I hope they keep up the momentum, too - I don't know if it'll help save the show, but by God, I am enjoying the hell out of this season. Yes, I do think it's the best since the first, as much as I loved last season - this one is just tighter, more coherent, and with much less Schizo Nathan. *sigh* Less Nathan in general... which is a big strike against it... but they are making up for it by making every single episode into a Zachary Quinto Acting Showcase. Still; he's not the only one on the show who can act - ADRIAN PASDAR is pretty good too, y'know!
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