Well, it’s been a while since I’ve actually made a real entry in this thing. But today? I have to rant somewhere. Hello liverantjournal
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Stewian like SauriandeathinanalleyDecember 6 2005, 21:37:21 UTC
Hello moto. ;D Hey there hun! I've yet to call you! I'm sorry, hey though, I will probably be hosting some sort of New Years event if you think that you might just be interested. . .I'd luv ta' see yah anyway! Take care hun and I'm off to comb Yaks!
Comments 6
but i would like to apologize for my terrible AIM skills.
I know exactly what you mean. My boyfriend often responds with a "?" and doesn't understand why I get so annoyed.
Hello moto. ;D Hey there hun! I've yet to call you! I'm sorry, hey though, I will probably be hosting some sort of New Years event if you think that you might just be interested. . .I'd luv ta' see yah anyway! Take care hun and I'm off to comb Yaks!
-Yers Truly,
Evan Alexie
and it's good to see you 'round these parts!
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