Fic: Today of All Days [Steve/Danny] Ch 1

Feb 10, 2012 15:47

Title: Today of All Days
Chapter: One
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Danny, previous Steve/OC
Rating: R (Just to be safe)
Genre: Romance, Family, Drama
Word Count: 1,536
Disclaimer: If I owned them, there'd be no need for these fics. Hehe.
Chapter Warnings: None save for some language.
Author's Notes: Thanks to huntress69 and their prompt post over at h50_bunny, I got bitten by this little beauty and couldn't help myself. Hehe. The prompt is here and was to give Steve a wife/ex-wife who turns up on his and Danny's wedding day. This is currently unbetad so any mistakes are my own. I'll see about getting it looked over later and then update this!

In addition, this will also satisfy one of the prompts on my bingo card for h50bingo. The prompt it will fit is 'Blast from the Past'.

Summary: On the day of their wedding, a part of Steve's past comes back to haunt him & Danny in the form of a not-so-ex-wife with a few screws loose. What's a guy to do?


The day hadn't taken all that much planning, disregarding Kono's valiant efforts to take over said planning and attempts to turn a simple ceremony into an island wide shindig that's guest list included half of Hawaii. It was simple, quiet and Danny was perfectly happy with that. So was Steve if he was being perfectly honest. Family, some close friends, on a Friday afternoon once they'd all finished work and school for the day. Surrounded by those that really mattered. That was all he needed for this. Grace had been given the job of flower girl, even though there weren't any flowers to be strewn around, but she took it seriously and devoted her time to learning from Kono how she should walk in front of her dad and her Step Steve down the isle, which was actually an office but Steve wasn't going to argue with Kono and Grace, like she was doing now. His iron will looked like pudding compared to those two when they teamed up and turned the puppy dog eyes on him.

Steve still felt his heart swell whenever he looked at Grace. The unconditional love she gave everyone she cared about humbled him. It wasn't like Steve had ever had that before in his life. He'd almost been a teenager the last time Mary looked at him like that, and Steve honestly had trouble remembering his sister that way. Then their mother had been killed and everything had changed anyway. They'd been separated and nothing could breach the permanent rift that distance had caused. He'd hoped she'd have come to his wedding, but all he'd gotten was her voice mail and no word back. Still, Danny insisted on photo's for Mary just in case.

Here they stood, in front of the Justice of the Peace, and Steve had to fight really hard to keep the stupid grin off his face. He suspected he wasn't being all that successful but could anyone blame him? If anyone had told him he'd be standing here, across from the loudmouth Jersey Detective that had flat out punched him in the jaw, he'd have called them crazy. It'd been a long time since he'd looked to the future with anything akin to hope. He had Danny and Grace to thank for that. Kono and Chin were standing side by side, and Grace had moved to stand before her mother, while Governor Jameson watched from their left. It wasn't much, but it was their ohana and it was more than enough for Steve. He'd have been happy with just himself, Danny and Grace if it had come to that.

"Is there anyone here who objects to this union?" the JP said, a smile on his face. He knew the grooms personally from just one of their many cases. Silence reigned for a few moments and he nodded, preparing to continue with the ceremony, when suddenly the doors were pushed open and someone walked in.

"I object!" the dark haired woman called, her hands on her hips. Everyone turned to look and seven faces registered confusion. Steve looked like he'd just been punched repeatedly in the gut.

"I'm sorry, and you are?" the JP asked, his brow creased with his age and the frown he was now sporting.

"I'm Mrs Abigail Warren-McGarrett, and that is my husband," the woman answered in an 'isn't it obvious?' kind of tone as she pointed to Steve and Steve wanted to hit his head against the wall. Surely not. Surely bloody not. His luck was not this fucking bad. He'd been divorced for years. Years. This could not be coming back to bite him in the ass today of all days. But it seemed it was and everyone turned to look at Steve, who looked like he wanted to throttle something.

Or someone. Grace was the first to speak. "But Step Steve is getting married to Danno. He can't be married already." A child's view and damn, Steve wished it were only that simple.

So much for a hopeful future. Part of him could feel Danny looking at him and he knew, he just knew that the blonde detective was pissed. He could already feel the waves of anger coming off his partner.

"What the fuck?" was all Danny had to say and Steve winced at the tone. It wasn't angry, and that was the problem. When Danny got quiet, when he didn't yell and argue and bitch to his hearts content, then something was really wrong and Danny was seriously pissed.

Even Rachel was looking at Steve like he had better come up with a good explanation or she'd personally hand him what manhood he had left. Chin and Kono were still in the 'what the fuck' stage too it seemed, as was the Governor and Steve wished a hole would open up and swallow him.

Well this was just fucking perfect.


After managing to not have the entire wedding party go ape on him and try to carve him up like a roast turkey, Steve could already feel a headache beginning behind his eyes as he tried to sort out what the hell was going on. And how the hell was technically still married. First thing out of his mouth was that no, he wasn't married. He was divorced. He'd signed the papers. But apparently he hadn't signed all of them. He was starting to hate loopholes.

"You didn't sign them all and therefore they couldn't be filed,"Abigail said matter of factly while Steve nursed his headache and Danny watched them both with an air of someone who was trying really, really hard to not explode into a rant. Steve knew he had a lot of explaining to do, but right now he needed to sort out what this was before he even tried explaining it to Danny.

"I signed what you put in front of me. If you hadn't waited until half an hour before I was supposed to deploy, this wouldn't have happened!" Steve growled, glaring at the woman that he had thought was his ex-wife. So much for that idea. "How did you not check the papers before you handed them over?"

"Well excuse me Mr Perfect. If you'll remember correctly, I was also in the process of organizing my sisters funeral so there were a lot of papers floating around and a lot of signatures," Abigail countered and Steve wanted to groan. He should have remembered that. He'd never met Natalie, hell he'd never met any of Abigail's family, their wedding had been that impromptu, but he should have remembered that. Steve ran a hand over his face and tried to sort this all out in his head.

"Ok. So, let's see if I have this straight, I didn't sign all the papers that had to be signed, so as far as the law is concerned, we're still married?" Abigail nodded and Steve looked at Danny. He was leaning against the wall of the office the JP had been nice enough to let them borrow for a few minutes, his arms crossed over his chest. He met Steve's look and he could see the disappointment cleverly hidden away at the edge of his eyes, but that was mostly masked by the simmering anger Steve knew had to be there. Steve felt that like a stone in his gut. This was his fault. He'd ruined what was supposed to be their day with stupid negligence. Steve could only pray that Danny would forgive him in the long run for this. "And what it took you this long to figure that out?" Steve couldn't help asking, his tone frustrated. Abigail immediately went on the defensive again.

"I see you weren't exactly inquiring as to your marital status. You just assumed and went ahead to get married again. Do you have a thing about getting married to anyone that will have you Steven?" Abigail hissed, crossing her arms over her chest and mimicking Danny. That though was enough to bring the detective into the conversation he'd previously stepped out of.

"Hey lady, this is all just a big misunderstanding alright," Danny said, trying to keep his voice calm and holding out a hand. "Obviously you two have your issues and that's nothing to do with me right now, but if you guys are still married, something has to be done about that. Now, I'm assuming by the way you two have gone straight for each others throats that you would like to divorce as soon as possible, so why don't we go and talk to the JP and see about sorting this whole mess out okay?" Steve nodded and Abigail did the same. Standing from the chair he'd all but collapsed into, Steve moved over to Danny's side and placed his hand on his lower back. It was a silent apology, but it was all he could give right now. "You and I are going to have a long discussion about this later on Steven," was what he got in reply. Steve nodded without a word or a smile. He had expected that.

Abigail led the way from the office. Chin, Kono, the Governor, Rachel and Grace were all out in the hall and they looked up when they came out. Steve had a feeling that he was going to have to explain a lot to more than just Danny at this rate. Especially since he personally knew what Chin and Kono were like.

They were the dogs and he was going to be the bone.


Chapter 2

h50, fanfic, steve, h50bingo, fic, danno, danny williams, chin, hawaii five-0, kono, steve mcgarrett, steve&danno

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