It's amazing how many birthdays are in July. It's like October is just the month to get down and procreate, or something.
One of our best friend's birthday is July 1. Another best friend's girlfriend in on July 5, which is the same day of a wife of one my my best friends in America. A friend visiting us has a birthday on July 21, and my husband on July 28. And that's just off the top of my head! And now your two exes...
I'm happy my birthday is in March! I feel so unique :D
I'm in a similar mood. I guess it's just another example of how one must take the bitter with the sweet. You can't have strawberry ice cream in this world without periodically tasting wormwood as well.
I'd call you if I had your number. Ever since I washed Gus' cell phone, we're missing a lot of our common numbers. My email is the first letter of my first name times two our last name at gmail. So xxlastname at... If you can figure that out, email me with your number. Or hell, just call me. Do you still have our number?
Comments 11
One of our best friend's birthday is July 1. Another best friend's girlfriend in on July 5, which is the same day of a wife of one my my best friends in America. A friend visiting us has a birthday on July 21, and my husband on July 28. And that's just off the top of my head! And now your two exes...
I'm happy my birthday is in March! I feel so unique :D
I'm a November baby, m'self.
(My birthday is the 17th, so, yep. This is why we argue so damned much.)
And I have to ask, are you an Aries?
And nope, I'm a Sagittarius.... bordering on Ophiuchus. ;-)
According to this, I would be a Scorp, bordering on Ophi. And they, Geminis.
The day's not ruined. Just a little more harrowed than normal. I'm enjoying every moment with Amethyst. (the ones where she isn't whining, that is)
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