Here you'll find links to all my stories, sorted by fandom, gen, het, pre-slash, slash or unclassifiable and approximate length. Includes ratings.
Drabbles and Snippets: Less than 1000 words.
Short Stories: 1000 to 25,000 words.
Long Stories: 25,000 to 50,000 words.
Novels: 50,000 words or more.
My Starsky and Hutch Stories )
Comments 8
I'm wondering about something, and maybe I'm wrong, but didn't you write a story about Hutch getting a weird girlfriend (one in a bunch) who kidnaps Starsky? And I think there's something about Christmas, too. Thought it was 'Sensing Things', but it isn't. Though it seems to cover the same plot somehow. Am I right or did I imagine the whole stuff? Could be going nuts...
By the way, the date in your post is 2020-09-29! Freaky!
I'm a little shocked at how big the list is, myself...
And I specifically posted in 2020 so that this post would float at the top of the page. That way if I want to blog about other stuff, they'll all just show up at the bottom. Not that I'm intending to get seriously into blogging. I mean no one really wants to hear about my kids, and they won't appreciate me talking about them in public anyway.
Can't figure why you don't like the story. Read it awhile ago but it was pretty good. Has a 'Season 4' scent - there's definitely some crankiness there - which is definitely good. People tend to dismiss this season a lot. It wasn't particularly good but wasn't altogether bad - it had really good moments. It's pretty much how life is, anyway: good moment, not so good moment, and so fort.
Eh! Making no sense here, better stop… Thanks for the explanation!
But I'm glad you enjoyed it! And I'll go find the link now... :-)
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