The Make-Over

Jul 10, 2009 00:44

Clothing styles and some technological and cultural research has taken her a bit longer than Myra had anticipated, but now that she’d finished, she was on her way to the Nexus shopping center. She was mindful of her spending, but still, she found the 80s clothing styles very interesting, and also, very flattering even on her small figure. After an hour and a half (goodness, when had she ever shopped like that since she was a young teen?) she was the proud owner of a couple outfits that would suffice for the time being, including a set of comfortable black clothes that would allot her enough stealth, without being so loose that they would snag on edges.

Arriving at a hairstylist she’d found in the Nexus directory that was available in the library, she set her bags down and stood before the woman who was taking names. Her hairstyle was a shocking pink strip of hair on the center of her head that was draped over to one side and slicked back. Myra paused and stared for a moment before recovering and smiling.

“Hi, I need a new hairstyle.” The woman gave Myra a glance that asked if the statement was news before smiling politely.

“Did you have anything in mind?”

“Yeah, I’m looking for something that might be appropriate for 1980s, standard Earth.” The woman’s eyes lit up and the smile turned from polite to downright pleased.

“Sit right down over there, and we’ll get you looking like a movie star in no time!”

Twenty minutes later Myra stared at the reflection in the mirror as her chair turned so that she could see her new haircut. A few short, blond-colored extensions had been added to lighten her hair and some minor cuts had been made, but the style mostly consisted of liberal applications of a straightener and hairspray.

“I’m…wow. Just…” She gapped. She had never considered a hairstyle that in her own time would be somewhat radical, to be so flattering for her face.

“Conservative 80s. If you can call the time conservative.” The hairstylist grinned brightly as Myra bought a hair straightener, paid her, and continued to thank her as she walked out.

Arriving home, Myra looked at the clock and sighed, realizing she’d been out much longer than she’d anticipated. She still had time to sleep, and knew how to keep her hair from becoming a ruined, tangled mess before morning at least. Dropping her bags into her closet for the time being, she prepared for bed, and a busy day, wondering what The Shadow would make of the new Helen Menz.


Myra was up bright and early, putting on her jeans, a slightly modest shirt that flared out from her ribcage just enough to conceal her gun, and some moderate heels. The addition of some bangles and earrings helped to finish off the appearance. Looking in the mirror, she felt foreign to herself, and was suddenly glad that she had decided to assume a different identity for the part she would play in The Shadow’s world. She hardly recognized herself, and she wondered what Harry would think if he saw her. To anyone from the period, she was a very conservative style, but she was still appropriate.

She ate a hearty breakfast to prepare for the long day, reviewed a few notes she’d taken at the library and then grabbed her PINpoint out of a purse that she’d bought as well, and messaged The Shadow.

Menz, reporting in. She smiled as she brought up the coordinates for Rettigue’s apartment and promptly found herself standing in the usual spot at the center of the living room.

introduction, 80s, role play, shadow

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