Fic: X-Files, Doggett/Reyes, "Compass"

Jul 06, 2013 16:31

Title: Compass
Category: X-Files, DRR, post-ep for “The Truth”
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After “The Truth,” John and Monica are adrift.
Author's Note: Thank you ficgate for grammar-geeking and pellucid for fixing the first line! :)

Compass )

fic: x-files, fic

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Comments 5

icepixie July 7 2013, 00:30:54 UTC
Eeeee, Doggett/Reyes fic! I love all the details of being on the run, and also the idea of Monica finding John some real enchiladas once they get to Mexico. :)


mylittleredgirl July 7 2013, 03:34:15 UTC
I'm pretty sure she has spent the last year picking every Mexican restaurant in the greater D.C. area to pieces, and he's like, why do you keep going to these places? and she's like THESE AREN'T EVEN TAMALES.

Except really, she's Monica, so she probably isn't bothered by it at all and just bites back a smile when she sees medium salsa in his fridge.


icepixie July 8 2013, 02:06:46 UTC
...Please tell me you're writing the fic about this scenario you just described, because I just realized how much I need it in my life.


anr July 7 2013, 13:08:23 UTC
ILU. This is all kinds of perfect and them and I lovelovelove it. *hearts*


fyca July 22 2013, 07:46:57 UTC
Dearest, I cannot even begin to guess how many times I've read this over the last two weeks. My job's been an absolute nightmare and life continues to offer up disappointment like it's the only thing on the menu, and this lovely fic has been one of the few things that has truly brought a smile to my face and happiness to my soul.

No surprise, but you've totally nailed John and Mon. I love the tension from John, the never ending supply of patience and understanding from Monica. And as much as I love pr0n, the scene with Mon in the tub and John sitting nearby says SO MUCH MORE than hot sex in a grungy motel. I'd love to tell you every single line that really jumped from the page and kicked me in the emotional gut, but dude, that would be a list almost as long as the fic itself.

Excellent work as always, Little Red. A million thanks to you for still giving those characters a voice. Now, on to another few weeks of reading this over and over again.


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