Fic: TNG post-ep for "The Inner Light"

Jun 25, 2012 19:28

Title: "Palinopsia"
Category: TNG, gen, post-ep for "The Inner Light"
Rating: G
Summary: Picard becomes, again, Picard.

Palinopsia )

fic: star trek, fic, fic: tng

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Comments 20

stexgirl2000 June 26 2012, 03:13:25 UTC
You made me cry.

(I cried at the end of "Inner Light" as well. It's my top ten list of favorite TNG episodes.)


mylittleredgirl June 26 2012, 03:33:44 UTC
Oh my god, can anyone NOT cry at the end of "The Inner Light"? Patrick Stewart deserves all the Emmys imaginable for that.

I really don't think I ever got the magnitude of the episode until I rewatched it this weekend. I strongly wish I could think of some way to rewrite the end of that episode just to make me less sad, but it's too perfect as it is.


anr June 26 2012, 03:41:38 UTC
Absolutely lovely. *hearts*


mylittleredgirl June 27 2012, 05:04:23 UTC
<3 <3 <3 <3 thank you, she who taught me to write short bursts of angst in occasionally numbered lists! <3


anr June 28 2012, 01:30:47 UTC
I taught you this? Well, in that case, the student has definitely surpassed the teacher. :)


mechasquid June 26 2012, 13:27:42 UTC
So, I don't read a lot of fanfic, but this is really, REALLY, good. Well done, LR!


mylittleredgirl June 27 2012, 05:03:43 UTC
Thank you, bro! :)


anxietygrrl June 26 2012, 15:40:11 UTC
Wow, what a wonderful job you did with this. I haven't seen the episode in years, but it all came back. Very much enjoyed. :)


mylittleredgirl June 27 2012, 05:03:03 UTC
Thank you!! And yay! I'm glad it came back even with all the alien names and me trying to be all exposition-conservationist and stuff. <3


havocthecat June 26 2012, 19:01:01 UTC
Aw, this is a PERFECT coda to that episode.


mylittleredgirl June 27 2012, 05:01:57 UTC
*loves on you*

Thank you! <3


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