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Comments 2

mspooh June 16 2011, 23:31:28 UTC
Is that you responding on the FB? LOL.

I'd write you a little ficlet. IF ONLY I HAD TIME, OMGWTF I FAIL.

I wish I could say I'm back to squee with you now that my horrendously intense week of work is done. But... I am going directly up to the "in-laws" this weekend and will not have access to a real computer. I'm still trying to decide if that's a good idea -- the visiting part on Father's Day weekend when not yet legally a "father" to me, not the not having a computer part, haha. I MISS YOU!


fyca June 17 2011, 04:35:18 UTC
Very nice, very sweet! I'm kind of in love with him.

Do you realize that I am now writing AFR fanfiction?? Look what you have reduced me to!!! Fanfiction about fanfiction! Is that even allowed??

Actually, my M.O. following a good dose of LR DRR is to curse everything I have ever written and declare I shall give up writing FOREVER because I could never, ever come close to approaching your brilliance. So either I have improved as a writer (so not likely) or I have lost my ability to recognize when I should not write (6 years of NaNo will do that to a person.) Either way, I soldier on, with coffee and muffins for breakfast (because there has to be breakfast, right?) and more stupid apologies and a slight obsession with what outfit Monnie is putting on for work. You have done this to me.


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