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Comments 30

lyssie September 2 2010, 01:54:47 UTC


mylittleredgirl September 17 2010, 19:12:38 UTC

I might have lost my DVD with "Soul Mates" on it. I COULD DIE.


naushika September 2 2010, 01:55:16 UTC
OUT OF THEIR ELEMENT! That's so much more fun. :D Like Liz Weir going all Die Hard like Shep did that one time. Or Sam having to diplomat her way out of a situation when she'd really rather kick some ass. Something like that.


mylittleredgirl September 17 2010, 19:15:19 UTC
Bwahahaha. Elizabeth would not be good at Die Hard. Though I'd kind of love her to be like "OH FUCK THIS" and save HERSELF from the replicators and THEN show up and save the city from disaster and then be all "GIVE ME MY OFFICE BACK" and Shep's like OMGILU and she's like "Yeah, yeah, you owe me coffee for the rest of my LIFE."


anr September 2 2010, 02:15:03 UTC
Weir saves Sheppard (with a gun!) would be infinitely awesome.

As would mini!Sam saving mini!Jack.

Or Torri saving Joe. ;)


mylittleredgirl September 17 2010, 19:12:13 UTC
OMG. MINIS!!!! That's such an amazingly fabulous idea. I love my minis!!! :) I'm kind of in love with this idea now.

(Hehe, Torri/Joe FTW in an epic way. She so covers when he forgets his lines. AND OTHER THINGS WHICH SHOULD INVOLVE SEX.)


anr September 28 2010, 23:08:29 UTC
(Hehe, Torri/Joe FTW in an epic way. She so covers when he forgets his lines. AND OTHER THINGS WHICH SHOULD INVOLVE SEX.)

LOL, that is so AWESOME! Yes yes yes!


miera_c September 2 2010, 02:18:17 UTC
I would personally not want to see Elizabeth Weir toting a gun because that would be OOC to my view of the character. Having her have to strategize might be interesting - trying to escape and whoever she's with can't help her (John, or possibly Ronon. I'm still bitter we never got much Elizabeth & Ronon interaction. Them trapped offworld in a dangerous situation and having to work together was one of the many wasted opportunities of SGA for me).


mylittleredgirl September 17 2010, 18:59:13 UTC
I accept your challenge of GUN TOTING IN CHARACTER. ;) Or... something.

I think Elizabeth and Ronon could divide and conquer quite effectively because their skills don't overlap at all, and they both know it and are totally fine with that. You know? In the right situation, where asskicking and smarttalking are both required... UNSTOPPABLE. Meanwhile, John and Teyla and McKay back at the ranch are like CRAP WE MUST SAVE THEM, but Ronon and Elizabeth are like "Oh, you came to rescue us? Feel free to take 5. We've totally got this one."


peanutbutterer September 2 2010, 02:32:31 UTC
I approve of this!



mylittleredgirl September 17 2010, 19:09:42 UTC
:-D I WOULD AGREE IF THIS FIC WOULD WRITE ITSELF NAO! I can't decide! So many options!


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