Rona's Welcoming Committee

May 24, 2006 22:52

It feels like it was a long time ago that I last made myself a protest sign. It must’ve been 2001 when conan_o was organizing a protest at the ESSO station at the corner of 109th street and Whyte Avenue as part of the international STOP ESSO campaign. The effort garnered a lot of radio coverage as I recall. And the young man working at the service station came out of the store to promote his CD while the CBC reporter was there.

Tomorrow at noon, Federal Environment Minister, Rona Ambrose, will be at the Health Sciences Building LRT Station for a photo opportunity to kick-off “Clean Air Day”.

Now that I’m actually into my forties (I could fudge it before, saying that 40 isn’t in my forties), I thought I was through painting protest signs. But after 5pm this afternoon, I started work on this specimen.

Rona Ambrose’s recent media statements on regarding the Kyoto Protocol have been disingenuous in the extreme. I wanted to write “STOP LYING RONA” because ‘lying’ has fewer round letters than ‘deceiving’, but technically her statements that shutting down every plane, train, and automobile in Canada won’t achieve our Kyoto targets are true. She just doesn’t say that no one is proposing this approach. We’d prefer to use a combination of the Large Final Emitters regulations, the Clean Development Mechanism, the One Tonne Challenge, energy efficiency, renewable fuels and energy incentives, carbon trading, and carbon credits to achieve Canada’s Kyoto obligations, but Ambrose implies that we want to ground all means of mobility in the country. That’s deceiving.
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