Drink Up Sweet Decadence Part 6

Dec 28, 2007 15:31

Here's another installment! Hope you like it!!

Title: Drink Up Sweet Decadence Part 6
Author: ilovetbag24
Rating: R
Characters: Sylar/Mohinder, Heather, Angela Petrelli, Nathan and Peter
Summary: Heather faces the wrath of her aunt and Mylar goes out for another kill...
Warnings: mutual masturbation, death, language

Heather took deep breaths in the back of the cab on her way home. The cabbie kept glancing back at her, nervous, as if she were about to pop out a baby in the back of his car.

She couldn’t stop mentally kicking herself for being so reckless. She had always prided herself on being a well behaved young woman. She was smart, responsible, and hadn’t made less than a C since middle school. In other words, she was a goody two shoes. That is, until last night.

Although her nerves were throwing her through a loop, she couldn’t suppress a smile when she thought of last night. She felt wild, uninhibited, alive being with Sylar and Mohinder. Their kisses, their hands…and other places made her stomach flutter. She looked down at her hand and found the paper with their number on it. Should I still call them? Heather thought to herself. She could try and delve back into school, try to occupy her thoughts, but she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she would be panting to see them again. And the fact that they wanted to see her as well sealed the deal.

The cabbie slammed on brakes in front of the Petrelli mansion. Peter was sitting on the steps waiting for her. He stood up and walked over, fishing in his pocket. He quickly paid the cabbie and left a generous tip. Heather refused to look in his eyes.

“Heather?” he said, touching her shoulders. She looked up at him. He smiled sympathetically. “Nathan and I talked to Mom and calmed her down. She’ll still want to talk to you, though. You really gave us a scare…”

“I know, Pete, and I’m so sorry…” Heather rushed out, trying to justify her actions, but there was no excuse. Peter smiled and shook his head.

“You’re 20 years old with a good head on your shoulders. You’re human, you’re gonna screw up. We’ve told Mom this and she’s fine. A pep talk and a Xanax will work wonders with her.”

That caused a small smile to break on her face. Peter circled his arm around her shoulder and led her into the house. They walked into the living room to find Nathan standing by the window, looking out. Angela was sitting on the edge of the white sofa, her legs crossed and her hands resting on her knees, the true picture of a lady.

“Heather,” Angela clipped, standing from the sofa. Nathan turned hearing her name and gazed upon his guilty cousin. He tried to flash her a sympathetic smile.

“You gave us quite a scare, young lady,” she continued, pulling her blouse straight over her front, “Nathan and Peter have lectured me on not being too rough with you but I will say this…you are a bright young lady with limitless possibilities in front of her. I know you’re young and you want to have fun, dance, whatever else, but please be responsible and have respect for your family.”

Heather hung her head in shame the whole time. Peter kept his stance beside her, being her rock. Angela wasn’t quite finished yet.

“But I guarantee you if you start drinking, doing drugs, partying, I’ll send you back home faster than you can spit!”

“Ma, calm down,” Nathan finally spoke up behind her, “she’s learned her lesson, she’ll be more careful in the future, won’t you?” Heather immediately nodded her head. “Yes. I’m so sorry, Aunt Angela, it won’t happen again. And if I crash at Amanda’s dorm again I’ll call and let you know…no matter what time it is.”

Angela nodded tersely and clasped her hands together in front of her. “Good. Well, get cleaned up and we’ll all go out to eat somewhere nice tonight. We have a guest visiting.”


Seven PM rolled around Mohinder was in front of the mirror, trying to get his unruly curls to cooperate. He put on a nice pair of pants and a white buttoned down shirt, making him look like one of the sexiest eligible bachelors in New York. Sylar emerged from the bathroom, a towel around his waist and tiny droplets of water falling from his face.

“I should be ready to go in about 15 minutes,” Sylar announced.

Last night they had brought Heather home for Mohinder to feed off of, to sate his thirst for the night. He fed of course, but didn’t get his fill. She had bewitched him so that he drank light that night. Tonight he was going to gorge.

They planned to try the club again, to seduce a willing woman into going home with the two of them, and draining her dry.

Tension and want was radiating from Mohinder, desperate for blood. He always got like this before a kill. His newfound instinct told him to hunt, kill, drink to his heart’s content…but he could still feel his former self inside, screaming for his virtues, his morals, his disdain for taking the life of another.

“Are you okay?” Sylar asked, coming up behind him. Mohinder shook the thought from his head. “Yes,” he reassured, “just the usual jitters.” Sylar smiled, gazing into the mirror at his lover. “Just like every other night,” he reminded, placing a lingering kiss on the geneticist’s neck.

Mohinder’s eyes fluttered shut, his hand going around to cup the back of his head. “It’s the same jitters every night. It’s always the same: my former self fighting against my new self. It’s exhausting.”

Sylar spun Mohinder around in his arms and stared down lustfully into his eyes. “Let me ease that tension a bit,” Sylar murmured. He reached down between their bodies and began to unbutton Mohinder’s pants. With skill he had honed expertly, Sylar pushed his hand down Mohinder’s pants and touched his cock.

“Sylar!” Mohinder gasped, bucking immediately against the taller man. Sylar smiled and nuzzled his earlobe. “It’s just like masturbating before a big date. It eases the tension.”

Sylar began to work his hand up and down Mohinder’s shaft, Mohinder’s whimpers getting louder in the tiny apartment.

“Sylar, you know just how to touch me,” Mohinder moaned, throwing his head back and clawing against the dresser. He thrust his hips more into his companion’s hand, desperate for more friction. Not being able to stand being the only one receiving pleasure, he whipped the towel from around Sylar’s waist and gripped his cock.

Both men panted and grunted as they jerked each other off. Their hands worked in a frenzy, their hips crashed against each other.

“Sylar, uh…uh…I’m almost there,” Mohinder panted. Sylar dipped his face to nibble on the darker man’s lower lip. “I’m getting there, too, Mohinder…you don’t know what you do to me…”

Moans turned to screams as a litany of curses and praises, both in English and Hindi, erupted from the two men. They clutched at each other as their juices flowed over their chests and stomachs.


Tonight’s hunt wasn’t very difficult. Thirty minutes into the club, they found a drunk, willing woman with long flowing auburn hair. She was a bit tipsy and had been making eyes at them since they arrived. It only took two minutes of Mohinder nuzzling her ear for him to become so hungry he almost drug her out of the club.

The three of them began to walk down the street corner back to the men’s apartment. The woman stumbled slightly on her six inch red stilettos, gripping onto Mohinder and giggling like an idiot. Mohinder rolled his eyes. He was definitely going to drain her dry; he didn’t want to be waking up to that obnoxious giggle in the morning.

The thirst became too much for Mohinder. Hearing her sweet blood flow through her body, feeling her pulse whenever he touched her neck…there was no way he was making it all the way home.

Changing plans, he jerked her quickly into an alleyway. Sylar continued on for three more steps before he realized they were no longer behind him. He ran into the alleyway just as Mohinder was shuffling her behind a dumpster.

“Oooooh,” the girl purred drunkenly, “you really know how to put on the charm by taking a girl behind a dumpster.” Her words were slurring together and Mohinder began wanting to drink for the simple task of shutting her up.

He began to nuzzle her neck, nipping lightly as his hands traveled over her body. Sylar smirked and took up residence on the other side of the alley. Leaning against the wall, he dug into his pockets for a cigarette and his lighter. He took a giant puff watching his lover delight in her body before drinking.

He usually liked participating in a threesome but this bitch was too obnoxious for his tastes. This wasn’t the first time they had chosen a girl that was less than stellar. It’s like the old adage goes: you gotta kiss a lot of frogs before you get the prince.

Mohinder had gotten his pants down halfway and had quickly begun thrusting into the woman. “Oh, yes!! Do it to me! Give it to me, daddy!” Sylar almost choked on the smoke. Oh, my God, just hurry up and kill her, Mohinder! He knew that would be something they would both be laughing at later on tonight.

A sudden scream informed Sylar that Mohinder had read his mind and wanted to put her out of her misery. Mohinder had his back hunched, his hands twisted in her hair as he sucked her dry. In a matter of minutes, she had gone limp. Mohinder retracted his teeth and turned to face his lover.

Sylar pushed from the brick wall and walked to him. A tiny trail of blood had trickled down to his chin. Sylar’s finger shot up and cleaned it up, placing the finger in front of Mohinder’s plump lips. “You missed a spot,” Sylar quipped as Mohinder’s tongue snaked out and licked it clean.

They took the body and threw it into the dumpster. Mohinder gazed down at his watch.


As if on cue, the large trash collecting truck noisily made its way down the alley. The two men ducked around the other corner of the wall as the truck turned the dumpster upside down, the contents spilling in the back. Soon the truck reversed and was gone. So easy.


While writing the drunk girl, I kept envisioning the drunk redhead from the first season of "Rock of Love with Bret Michaels"!! LMAO!!

rating: r, death, character: peter, character: nathan, character: angela, fic

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