Title: The Wag of a Dog's Tail
starrdust411Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Mohinder/Sylar
Rating: G
Summary: For the
schmoop_bingo challenge. WILD CARD: Pets (Word Count: 3,046)
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes.
Warnings: Humor, Fluff
Author's Notes: I wrote this not intending it to be such a homage to a certain Disney movie, but somehow it just ended up that way. Brownie
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Comments 7
Poor Sylar. So desperate that he gets a dog for "them" but he can only see it when Matt and Molly aren't around. And it doesn't even get to keep the name he chose! But it is cute that he did it, though. haha
Mohinder definitely loves Socks just for condoning his wardrobe.
Sylar would never hurt anyone! Unless he wanted their brains. Or he was bored.
So desperate that he gets a dog for "them" but he can only see it when Matt and Molly aren't around. And it doesn't even get to keep the name he chose!
Geez, way to make my adorable story depressing :P
Nice story :D
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