Title: Every Driven Feeling Artist: Bush Song: The Chemicals Between Us Footage: Romeo x Juliet Total Work Time: 3 days. Download: mediafire Notes: Premiered at Yaoi-Con 2007 under the Romance category.
Excellent! You deffinately know your stuff regarding AMVs. I always hate it when I see a video which is like.. three or four long clips just set to music. Lately those have been the kind I've been exposed to, so thanks for putting my faith back into taking the AMV seriously again. <3
This was done very well. Like someone else mentioned, the pace of the action in the clips matched so nicely with the actual music. It's an interesting music choice, and though i was hesitant before I watched it, you managed to make it fit so well.
Thank you. I rarely watch random amvs anymore because most are just like you said, some random clips put together and I usually lose interest after the first ten seconds.
I rarely watch AMV's, but Myka, your's was wonderful. I've never seen the series, but from just watching the video, I could tell there's a connection between the two. And of course, the music fits the video as well ^^
If I where to get into the series, it would probably be because of those two.
Now I'm kicking myself in the butt for not going to the AMV contest at the con *sigh*
Comments 15
Beautiful video! You say it was premeried at a con? How was it recieved?
Only one person yelled 'yay' when it started lol I don't think much people recognized it ^^'
Amazing video!!!
Great music and the guys look so so hot O^^O
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This was done very well. Like someone else mentioned, the pace of the action in the clips matched so nicely with the actual music. It's an interesting music choice, and though i was hesitant before I watched it, you managed to make it fit so well.
If I where to get into the series, it would probably be because of those two.
Now I'm kicking myself in the butt for not going to the AMV contest at the con *sigh*
Did you get the two links of the scans I sent?
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