(no subject)

May 06, 2007 23:28

I was planning on posting some squee! review about the awesome episode we had last Tuesday, because DUDE IT WAS AWESOME PLUS MORE AND OH BOYS but I've been in a bad mood all weekend.

If people don't have anything nice to say, they should really just say nothing at all. It's not that hard. :(

Anyway, in an attempt to cheer me up, a friend of mine convinced me to go watch Spiderman 3, even though I had read reviews and people agreed it was something of a disappointment after the second part, but really, it wasn't that bad. A little slow, specially the first half where nothing happens, Peter is angsting like a teenager about MJ, there are songs and dances and O_O faces all over he cinema, and then there's the sand man, who for some reason, made me burst into giggles every time he/it appeared on the screen.

But after evil!not!Peter (cause, c'mon, cookies? Making MJ jealous? *That*'s the best you can do? Tsk, tsk. You have one thing or two to learn from evil!Sam. He used knives, and creepy sentences, plus the black eyes... but I digress) we have Venom! My favourite bad guy from the cartoons/comic. The fight seemed a little short, compared to the other two movies, but well done in my opinion. I just wish there had been less unnecessary drama and more OMG what's gonna happen now.

Let's hope Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is better ^^U

Also, doesn't he remind you of Peter from Heroes in this pic or should I just accept that I have yet another unhealthy obsession with a tv character? Compare:

Peter Petrelli

Peter Parker (OMG I have just realised they have the same name *is lame*)
Imagine he's a little less smug and a little more ansgty

In any case, emo!hair FTW! :D

I'm a little scared of venturing into my flist these days, in case I accidentally read any spoilers for SPN. I've resisted all this time, when I hate not knowing, and there's only two more weeks to go. And I understand sometimes you forget to put something under a cut, or it doesn't seem like a spoiler because almost everyone on your flist already knows it, so if I seem a little MIA, it's not that I'm ignoring you.

I can't believe it's only 5 days away. OMG.

fandom: spn, movies: spiderman, character: peter petrelli, boring rl, fandom: heroes, review

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