[Fic] The Stranger On My Couch

Nov 09, 2014 16:32

Title: The Stranger On My Couch
Pairing: ChenHun
Rating: NC17
Word count: 13.6k
Summary: Drunk! Sehun accidentally breaking into someone's house just to pass out on the couch wondering when the hell his best friend's had adopted two cats

Originally written for Chenpionships <3

There is no such thing as coincidence in life.
Everything happens for a reason - may it be a failed exam or two
complete strangers clashing into each other like fire and water.

It was around five in the morning when Sehun stumbled down the familiar road leading to his friend’s apartment. The concrete felt bitterly cold under his bare feet as he dragged them along.

His mind felt clouded, and he swayed from side to side as he walked, cursing under his breath for the world to stop spinning already. Maybe he shouldn’t have dared that one blond kid to down shot after shot until one of them passed out - he obviously had won that contest but his head had been giving him hell since. He could thank the higher gods if he managed to arrive at Jongin’s place in one piece.

Why were the birds already up at this ungodly hour. Those stupid animals couldn’t sing if they tried, anyway. Why wouldn’t they just stop trying and just leave Sehun’s drunken ass to suffer in silence?

“F--fuck, s-stupid shit!” he slurred irritably when his shoulder collided with the iron pole of a stop sign which had totally popped up out of nowhere - just for him to run into it!

Sehun had just turned twenty-four the other week and entered his last year of college - which meant he studied by day and partied hard by night.

Yesterday, one of his friends had thrown a big house party, and despise the fact that he had to start on his bachelor’s thesis soon Sehun had been the first to arrive.

He loved parties where he could lose himself in the heavy bass and drown his sorrows in alcohol within the equally-sloshed crowd, dancing their way to the next morning.

Luck was on his side, for his best friend’s apartment was only a few blocks away from where the party had been held, so Jongin had offered to let him crash at his place instead of moping around in front of the train station like a homeless person waiting for the first train to take him back home.

Left turn, and then right again. Sehun counted the steps in his head, giggling here and then to himself, earning him suspicious looks from the poor souls already heading to work.

After another ten minutes of clumsy tripping and cursing, Sehun finally arrived at the apartment complex he had been heading for.

The problem about these apartments was that all of them looked the same, and Sehun was left blinking at all the different levels and entrances that were spreading before his eyes.

He groaned, barely recalling something about it being the first floor, and the first or second door to his left. Pushing the elevator button at least fifty times, he slumped against the cold wall once he had entered, and almost drifted off if not for the loud ‘ding’ sound that announced his arrival on the first floor.

Sehun just wanted to sleep and his feet were already crying out for a break. Where had his sneakers gone? Not now - not when his brain was set on sleep and pink cotton candy-like elephants that (were dancing) danced over the sky.

He stopped in front of a white door and banged his fists against it - not caring that he’d probably wake up the whole neighborhood in the process.

“H-h-h-heeeeey! Joooooooooongin lemme in m-m-man.” The words tumbled out of his mouth as he accusinglyjabbed the door with his index finger as if it was a real person that stood between him and a comfortable bed.

After another three minutes had passed - it felt like an eternity to Sehun’s spinning head - he narrowed his eyes at the open window next to the entrance door.

Well, what other option did he have besides falling asleep on Jongin’s doorstep until some old lady’s high-pitched scream would wake him up two hours later?

Trying to make his limbs act according to his will, he climbed up the shelf only to inelegantly fall in face first - kissing the hard floor. He groaned and rubbed his aching cheek.

At least he’d made it inside.

Looking around, he spotted a couch and that was all he needed, especially with his vision blurring and a pair of tired legs that wanted nothing more but to be propped up. He somehow managed to shed his shirt on the way before plopping himself down on the couch.

Was there a cat lying by his feet? His mind was probably playing tricks on him, but he could have sworn that there was a black cat lying at his feet curled up, watching him with curious eyes. There seemed to be another one staring at him cautiously from afar - a brown one with stripes.

“Jonginyougotkittycats?!” His mouth spit out the rushed syllables before his heavy eyelids decided to kick him off to dream-land.

It wasn’t for another two hours - after the sun had fully risen and students were on their way to school that the front door was unlocked and Kim Jongdae pushed it open . He was still wearing his white coat, and he hid his yawn behind his small hand as he entered. Yesterday evening, a mother had rushed inside his praxis, carrying her injured daughter in her arms, and begged him in tears to save her.

Jongdae lived to save other people’s lives - he was a doctor by heart and so he didn’t care about the fact that the woman didn’t have any health insurance as he worked through the night with his team to save the little girl. To his luck, Baekhyun had been there with him to assist him so the operation went well, and the girl had been brought to another hospital where Jongdae’s friend Yixing was working at. She’d be fine.

He crouched down to scratch behind Missy’s ear; Missy was his beloved Bengal cat who’d trail behind him wherever he went.. The cat mewled and ran around in circles as if she was trying to tell him something. Jongdae’s brow furrowed as he followed her into the living room, expecting Mister Clover to have left another smelly present on top of his carpet - he couldn’t blame the kitten though, since he was still a baby. Clover was a black, long-haired ragamuffin breed - with good looks and the sweetest personality a cat owner could wish for.

What he did not expect was a half-naked man sprawled all over his couch - fast asleep. He had a broad, toned chest, milky skin, and from the way his bare feet were dangling over the edge of the couch, he must be far taller than Jongdae was himself.

Who was he? He was obviously younger than him. Had he tried to rob his place but passed out due to - Jongdae sniffed the air - heavy intake of alcoholic liquids? The boy reeked like a whole liquid store!

Besides his dirty, blistered feet, the guy didn’t look like your typical mugger - which he sometimes saw on the eight o'clock news with Missy lying on his lap while Clover was nibbling on his toes.

Maybe he should call the cops just to be sure. He pushed his hair back off his forehead and released a troubled groan, wondering why he had to run into trouble after working through the night.

After he had graduated from college and worked at a hospital for a year, he had finally saved up enough money to open up his own praxis and moved into this lovely apartment with his two cats. Even with his 29 years of age he was still considered a young doctor and he had to prove himself a lot back in his residence days.

But even with all these ups and downs in his life, never had he thought that one day he would come home to a stranger, a handsome one at that, asleep on his very own couch.

Maybe his mother was behind this situation. She kept telling him to settle down and not turn into one of these lonely doctors with a house full of kittens. He had to give his mother props though, for accepting his sexual orientation.

As Jongdae paced up and down his living room, distractedly running a hand through his hair and trying to figure out what would be the right thing to do now - either call his mother or the cops - he didn’t notice that the man was slowly stirring awake.

“Fuck my head. Joooooongin painkillersIthinkI’mgonnadie - oh.”

Sehun’s eyes widened in confusion before he blinked once - then twice at the handsome man in a white coat that was eying him like a potential threat.

“You are not Jongin,” he deadpanned, and Jongdae felt the inner urge to hit the kid over the head with a frying pan.

“I was already wondering since when my best friend got two cats, he is more of a dog person, y’know.”

“All I know is that you broke into my house - half-naked on top of that.” Jongdae crossed his arms over his chest and clucked his tongue in annoyance. Now that the stranger had woken up, he looked more like a kicked puppy than a thug.

“Um,” Sehun began, his voice hoarse and raw from the load of alcohol he had consumed the night before and the lack of sleep, “... must have taken the wrong turn?” he tried, pulling the most innocent facial expression he could manage.

Jongdae released the breath he had been holding through his nose, and tossed a white shirt that was lying over the armrest at him.

“Put that on and leave before I call the cops on your ass.”

Sehun grabbed the shirt and clumsily pulled it over his throbbing head - he should seriously consider cutting down on his alcohol intake. He slowly shifted into a sitting position before straightening up.

Jongdae gaped at him in surprise, obviously not expecting him to be this tall. Sehun scratched his head and tilted it to get a better look at the person whose apartment he had accidentally invaded.

He had sharp facial features, high cheekbones and a very feline-looking mouth. Brown, ruffled hair and hazel eyes. Sehun found himself staring a little too long as the stranger cleared his throat.

“If by Jongin you mean Kim Jongin, then he lives right next door.”

Jongdae stepped aside and picked up Clover to cuddle him close to his chest - eyes never leaving those of the stranger.

Sehun got the message and moved one foot after another to where he assumed the exit would be. Well, this was awkward. He turned the doorknob and paused, throwing a curious gaze over his shoulder(,).

“I’m Oh Sehun - sorry for the trouble mister... ?” His voice rose hopefully at the end of the sentence, but the other just glared at him.

“Apology accepted - now, goodbye.”

Sehun was about to throw a witty remark at that when the shorter man pushed him outside and shut the door in his face. He eyed the door in disbelief before shoving his hands into his back pockets and shuffling next door.

He kept ringing the doorbell until a pale-looking Jongin almost tumbled into his arms.

“Dude - the fuck were you last night - I thought you got run over and died a pitiful death like some street rat - “

Sehun just groaned as he pushed past his friend and walked straight into his kitchen where he assumed the painkillers to be. He easily reached the top drawer and fetched himself a glass to fill it up to the brim with water.

Jongin trailed after him, brow furrowed as he playfully slapped his best friend’s butt, “Lost your voice, bubbles?”

Sehun almost choked on his water. Jongin hadn’t used that nickname since their last year in high school. Wiping away some drops of water that were trailing down his chin, he simply shrugged.

“To cut it short - I got so piss-drunk that I broke into your neighbor's apartment and crashed on his couch.”

He leisurely searched through Jongin’s cupboards until he found what he was looking for: Advil 3000 - bingo!

“Y-you are joking right?” Jongin was nervously stammering, shifting from one foot on to the other. His friend had always been a little on the wimpish side.

“Nope,” came the short answer with another shrug and Jongin was close to kick his best friend right out again.

“Which one? The one living on the left or right to me?”

Sehun heard Jongin calling after him as he was dragging himself into his friend’s bedroom to get a few more hours of sleep.

“The hot one, to your left?”

Sehun was releasing a content sigh when he pulled the soft blanket over his body and completely ignored Jongin’s horrified screech from outside the door.

“You broke into Mr. Kim's apartment?!”

“...shutupmyheadhurts,” Sehun mumbled from under the blanket, before the words finally started to sink in, and he lifted it a little to peek up at his friend with one eye.

“...wait, did you say Doctor?” Well, that would at least explain the white coat.

“Yes, you lame excuse of a best friend - he is well known for his skills and also his kindness around here. I can’t believe you caused such a disaster.”

Jongin was running his hands through his own hair pacing up in down in front of his own bed which only caused Sehun to feel even more dizzy and nauseous. The throbbing inside his head felt like a hammer continuously trying to strike a nail to make it fit.

“I never fucked a doctor,” Sehun hummed, his eyelids heavy. Meanwhile, Jongin had stopped and was eyeing the bundle under the blanket, completely outraged and scandalized.

“That guy helped me move in when you were busy seducing our professor’s daughter and bending her over some desk in the lecture hall! Keep it in your pants, man.”

Jongin snorted as he dropped down next to Sehun and rested a hand over his cheek. Oh Sehun was a handful. Yet, he couldn’t deny that the other had always been there for him when it counted, so maybe his last words had been a little bit too harsh.

“Look what I meant to say was - Sehun?” A loud snore and a leg thrown over his own announced that the other had already drifted off again.

Jongin was at loss for words - maybe he should grab a marker and draw all over his friend’s face like Jigglypuff would have done.

He decided on using his time for better purposes, and went in to his kitchen to cook himself a proper meal - that idiot would probably be whining for food in about an hour and he surely did not want to deal with that.

And exactly like Jongin had predicted, a sleepy Sehun dragged himself back into the kitchen one hour later.
Jongin snorted at his friend’s appearance - hair sticking up in all directions and eyes blood-shot.

“You look awful, man.”

Sehun just flipped him off in reply.

Jongin grabbed two bowls and two pairs of chopsticks, placing them on the table. He had managed to cook some kimchi jjigae with the hope that it would somewhat cure Sehun’s hangover.

The other’s eyes lit up at the sight of the hot, steaming pot in front of him, and at just that moment his stomach released an angry roar indicating how hungry he was.

Jongin filled their bowls with rice and their cups with freshly-made green tea.

“Thanks, darling.” Sehun winked at his friend seductively who smacked him over the head with his cooking spoon.

“Just eat, you dumbshit.”

They ate in silence; Sehun was inhaling the food as if he had been starving for weeks, while Jongin kept nagging at him to eat slowly, almost like a worried mother hen.

“So, tell me more about Mr. Kim.”

Jongin was taken aback. He found it quite surprising that Sehun hadn’t already forgotten about his neighbor. He rose to his feet and placed their used bowls and chopsticks into the sink - rinsing them out with hot water. Grabbing the blue towel next to the sink, he dried off his hands first before sitting back down across the table from his friend who was glancing at him expectantly.


“Just because.”

“That’s not an answer, Sehun, “ Jongin paused, but seeing how the other just simply shrugged and scratched the back of his head he decided to at least tell him some facts he knew. “ His first name is Jongdae, he is twenty-nine - pretty young for a doctor, and he owns his own praxis in the Hongik-dong area.”

Sehun looked up from his tea. “Oh, so he works close to our university?” He set his cup down and drummed his index fingers cheerfully on top of the table.

“What are you planning?”


“Bullshit - if you embarrass yourself again then I’ll officially quit being your best friend!”

“Will you still wash my socks though, mum?” the playful smirk that spread over Sehun’s face was so infectious he couldn’t help but chuckle - of course, not without slapping Sehun’s shoulder hard in the progress.

They sat together for another hour just talking about university assignments, before Jongin shooed Sehun off to shower with some of his clothes in tow.

While his friend was washing off the scent of old cigarettes and alcohol - Jongin was lying on his stomach on top of the couch - arms pillowing his head.

It would be great if Sehun would find someone who’d give him security and help him find his place in this world. His friend had been stumbling through life without a plan since they had first met and Jongin couldn’t help but think that behind his tough mask hid a boy that was scared of the future.

Scared of the uncertainty, and whether he had chosen the right path. In Jongin’s opinion it didn’t matter if one had a plan or not, but he thought it was important to choose every step wisely so that one wouldn’t wake up with regrets one day.

Sehun spent the nights at parties and in bars when he wasn’t studying for exams. He had slept with both women and men but nothing ever lasted more than a month. What Sehun needed, in Jongin’s opinion, was a person who’d reach out for him, offering him a guiding hand and the support his friend was silently asking for.

“Jongin? I’ll be leaving.”

Sehun’s hair was still wet but the jeans and shirt Jongin had lent him fit him perfectly. Jongin didn’t bother getting up - he just waved at his friend.

“See you at class tomorrow, and try to not get lost on your way home, this time.”

Jongin didn’t need to look up to see that Sehun had flipped him off once again - that ungrateful bastard.


Jongdae stopped his car in front of Starbucks and quickly went inside to grab a cup of coffee - after the random incident yesterday, he really needed it. Back in the car, he placed the paper cup in the mug holder and drove the last five minutes to his private praxis while listening to random pop songs played on the radio.

He was already dressed in his white coat as he walked through the main door to greet his partner who was currently talking to their female receptionist.

“Byun Baekhyun are you wearing a wig and a - “ Jongdae paused to eye the other from head to toe, “...a nurse’s outfit - a very slutty one at that?” The scene in front of him had almost cost him his precious coffee.

The receptionist just chuckled as Baekhyun twirled his fingers into his long brown wig. He was wearing a white dress, with some lacy red pattern here and there and a pair of red heels to it. Jongdae set down his coffee and felt like questioning why his life was treating him like this.

“Change. This is a doctor’s office and not a cosplay convention,” He muttered through his teeth and even though Baekhyun tried to pull his best puppy eyes look at him he pressed on.

“If it wouldn’t be for your skills - I would have fired you the time you made out with one of my patients.”

“B-but Mr. Park was so hot and, “

“Go. Change. Now.” The low growl had Baekhyun running into one of the empty rooms nearby to change into his regular uniform.

It was still half an hour to go until the praxis would officially open but Jongdae always preferred to sit down and study the profiles of their scheduled patients for the day ahead of time.

He took the files from his receptionist and thanked her with a warm smile that had her melting in a puddle of emotions before he walked inside his personal office.

Sipping on his coffee he flipped through the first file. It was one of his newest patients - a teenage boy who liked to tell him about his crushes while Jongdae had to yet again stitch up a wound the boy earned during another baseball match.

Today’s appointment was just a yearly check-up though.

Jongdae groaned in disappointed when he nipped on the rim of his cup in the realization that he had already emptied it. Why wouldn’t the cup magically refill itself whenever he eyed it pleadingly?

He shook his head over his own childishness and pretended to be a basketball player when he threw the empty paper cup into the trash can across the room. It scored in and he waved his arms around gleefully like a little kid, abruptly ceasing the motion when Baekhyun stumbled through the door - without knocking, of course.

“Why do you never knock?!” he pointed out, quick to fix his tie - which was pointless in Baekhyun’s eyes since it stayed hidden under the white coat anyway.

“Because... friends don’t need to knock?”

“Since when are we friends?”

“Since middle school, you cold hearted dweeb.” Baekhyun’s whiny voice was so high-pitched that Jongdae had to cover his ears every time the other doctor would use it on him.

They had come a long way together, from middle school to medical school up until Jongdae decided to go into business on his own. He’d never admit just how grateful he felt towards Baekhyun for choosing his small praxis over a better paid spot at one of the local hospitals. It made the loneliness he felt deep inside more bearable.

“Hey doc, are you listening?”

Jongdae snapped out of his thoughts and offered his friend an apologetic grin which had Baekhyun huff at him in a playful scandalized manner. The clock was almost about to strike eight in the morning now - their first patients would be arriving soon. His assistant cleared his voice to gain the man's full attention this time.

“I said, there’s a handsome-and god, is he to die for, more legs than anything-man, who says he’s hit his head, and if you could just take a look at it, rule out the possibility of a concussion-”

“So he probably doesn’t have an appointment?” Jongdae put on his black-rimmed glasses and folded his arms over his chest.

Baekhyun couldn’t suppress a chuckle as he shook his head,

“I asked him the same question but he said - he didn’t need one.”

Jongdae rose an eyebrow suspiciously. Unless the person was a relative or a close friend, there was no way that someone could just walk in here and say that they didn’t need an appointment.

Sure - Jongdae would never turn a sick or injured person down that would show up at his praxis but to bluntly say it out loud was something new, he had to admit.

“... send him into Room One, I’ll be with him in a minute.” he tapped his foot under the table now curious what was waiting for him in that room.

Life seemed to have a lot in store for him lately.

Sehun was aware of the way the man who introduced himself as Doctor Byun was eyeing him up and down like he was today’s lunch special but he stayed emotionless - just slightly bowing in his direction after he was told to go inside Room One and wait for Doctor Kim to attend to him.

Since he had returned from Jongin’s apartment he somehow hadn’t managed to get the handsome doctor whose apartment he’d accidentally stumbled into - out of his head. He remembered his glistening brown eyes, his narrow shoulders and a mouth that reminded him more of the one of a stray kitten that would sometimes sneak inside Sehun’s apartment and which he would feed milk to.

There was something about the man that had drawn him in since their eyes first locked. It was a feeling he couldn’t describe, like something was possessing him - consuming him. He had laughed it off and blamed it on the rest of the alcohol in his system but when he woke up this morning he knew he had to look for the other again.

So, without any hesitation he turned on his laptop and searched the Hongik-dong neighborhood for private praxes and he was lucky that there were only three in existence, and only one owned by a certain Doctor Kim Jongdae.

Sehun wasn’t a great actor when it came to pretending to be sick - his mother had never believed him but he was aware that a real doctor could never turn him down - no matter how obvious his lie was.

Plus he was not completely lying because he apparently had smashed his head against a hard object on his way back to Jongin’s ‘place’ which had left a small cut over his eyebrow.

Absentmindedly he trailed his index finger over the cut - too immersed in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice that the door was being gently pushed open.

Jongdae was wearing his trademark hundred-watt smile as he entered, white coat billowing behind him. He was turning around to greet the patient but as he did his smile was quickly replaced by a disbelieving scowl.

“You again - are you some kind of crazy stalker, or what?!” Jongdae cursed the high-pitched sound that had just left his throat, nevertheless his grip around his black clipboard tightened.

Sehun sheepishly scratched the back of his head before biting his bottom lip - trying to fake innocence even though they probably both knew that he was anything other than innocent.

“No, Jongin told me that you were a doctor and I needed someone to check this cut,” he pointed at his face before clearing his voice, “... and I never really got the chance to apologize properly for breaking into your apartment, Doctor Kim.” he pretended to have read the name of the man's name tag.

Jongdae stood rooted to the spot, he was inwardly cursing his desperate single life hormones for liking the way “Doctor Kim” rolled off the boy’s tongue like honey.

He placed both of his hands on his hips, still eyeing the kid suspiciously, “I already accepted your apology yesterday and you could have gone to any other doctor to check on that cut.” this came out harsher than he had intended but one had to teach kids their place these days.

“Your office was the closest to my university and I’d really appreciate it if you would take a look at my injury since that’s kinda your job.”

Two could play this game and Sehun sure was enjoying it already. The glasses looked good on the older man and Sehun was already imagining how he’d carefully take them off just to toss them aside. The white coat was a little bit too big on the doctor’s tiny frame and Sehun thought it was endearing how the other was trying to act all tough when he was visibly shaken up by his mere presence.

Jongdae for the first time in his life felt the urge to use his stethoscope to not save a life but to strangle someone with it. First this cocky brat breaks into his apartment and robs him of another hour of sleep and then he waltzes into his praxis as if he owns the damn place.

Nevertheless - he was a patient and Jongdae would treat him.

“Come and sit down on the stretcher, I’ll take a look at it.”

Sehun’s mischievous grin widened as he trailed after the other to obediently sit down on the stretcher. He already knew that the doctor was too short to reach him even though he was sitting down so he parted his legs for the other to stand in between.

Jongdae wished for nothing else but to wipe that shit- eating smirk off Sehun's face. That kid was fully aware of his handsome features and impressive body and obviously enjoyed shoving it into his face.

He didn’t let it show on his face though, simply taking a few steps closer until his thighs were in contact with the edge of the stretcher in between Sehun’s legs.

To his slight contempt, Jongdae had to lean in closer to get a good look at the severity of the injury.

Sehun immediately relaxed when soft fingertips ghosted over his pale skin - holding his head in place as the doctor used his free hand to run a disinfected cotton ball over the cut - the contact burned slightly but Sehun was too distracted by Jongdae’s minty breath fanning over his cheek.

The doctor was so close to him he was mesmerized by his full lips, his long lashes and the little mole that was almost hidden by his eyebrows. He was beautiful and Sehun found it adorable how he kept biting his tongue in concentration.

Jongdae must have felt him staring because he suddenly removed his attention from the wound and met his gaze. Hazel eyes locked with dark brown ones. Their gaze was so intense that Jongdae could feel goosebumps forming all over his body - he broke away and took a step back. Creating some space between them and staying in his safety zone,

“The cut is nothing serious - it isn’t infected and I’ll put a bandage over it so that it can heal on its own.” he explained briefly before walking over to the cabinet to pick up a white bandage.

Sehun just hummed in reply - still too taken aback by the fast rhythm of his heartbeat. It felt exactly like riding a roller coaster, and those were his favorite.

Jongdae rummaged through the cabinet until he found the ones he was looking for - an evil grin spread over his face at the sight of the cute penguin named Pororo.

He turned around to face Sehun with a bright smile, strutting over to him as if he had just won the lottery.

“We ran out of bandages so it seems, I hope you don’t mind the motif.” He didn’t wait for Sehun’s reply though and plastered it over the wound.

Sehun’s mouth went dry when Jongdae was once again leaning into his personal space and skin met skin. His fingers trailed over the plaster and he simply snorted when he saw the cartoon character gracing his eyebrow.

He had a hard time believing that the other was actually already 29 years old and not some teenage boy trying to provoke him in the most childish way possible.

“Look - since you didn’t make an appointment nor are you a regular patient - I need you to fill out this form.” Jongdae adjusted his black glasses before handing Sehun the sheet of paper.

“Yes, doctor.” The later replied mockingly.

Jongdae tried to suppress the shiver that ran down his spine due to the other’s teasing tone and forced his gaze towards the window instead.

It was a clear day with no clouds in sight which had him sighing regret of being stuck inside the praxis for the whole day.

He came to realize that he had to get rid of his daydreaming habit because when he snapped out of it he found Sehun’s face only a breath away from his own,

“Here. Is. Your. Formula.” He dragged out every word as if he were talking to a child and not a doctor and this time Jongdae couldn’t help but lightly hitting the brat with his clipboard.

“... a doctor shouldn’t cause but soothe the pain!” Sehun groaned while nursing the abused spot with one hand.

“My hand slipped.”

“... sure.”

Sehun’s deep chuckle that followed somehow drew Jongdae in - it was like an invisible string pulling him closer to the stranger who had crashed down on him like a strong wave, stirring up the calm sea.

Such irrational thoughts didn’t belong inside a doctor's head though, so he opened the door, a forced smile back on his lips as he ushered Sehun outside,

“I’m glad that we could help you today Mr. Oh,” he had almost choked on his own spit when he read Sehun’s full name on the patient sheet, “... and I hope that you’ll stay healthy so that there is no need for you to stop by any time soon again.”

Sehun tilted his head aside. His blond fringe was falling slightly over his dark brown eyes as a mischievous smirk built up on his face,

“I can’t promise that doc.” he shot the dumbfounded Jongdae a wink before leisurely walking through the exit door without looking back.

As if he could smell his friend’s confusion, Baekhyun popped up right next to him - a shit-eating smile plastered all over his face,

“Teach me your ways, master.” he giggled and playfully nudged Jongdae in the side. Jongdae briefly entertained thoughts of drowning him in the pond in their frontyard before he remembered that even a three year old boy could stand up straight inside it.

“Shut up and take care of Mrs. Kwon - she’ll be here any minute now.” he instructed instead, massaging his throbbing temple.

“He did have a glorious ass though - you gotta admit that! Like a big round peach, ready to be eaten out and sav- “

“Get outta my sight or I’ll disown you.”

“You ain’t my dad!” Baekhyun screeched in a high-pitched voice and Jongdae’s gaze darkened,

“No I’m not but if you keep that behavior up - I’ll call your real dad and make sure he’ll disown you for real!”

With that said he flung his clipboard onto the counter, giving his poor receptionist the shock of her life since she had been busy talking on the phone and taking new appointments, before strutting off to his office.

Some days, it would indeed be better to just stay at home in bed.


Sehun was sitting inside one of the Caffe Bene - his favorite coffee shop that was located the closest to his university, watching small raindrops slide down the glass panes of the window.

He absentmindedly stirred his hot chocolate, completely lost in his own little world, until someone dropped into the vacant seat across him.

“Mr. Park dragged out the lecture once again - just to brag over his perfect daughter and son-in-law - how do such people become professors?” Jongin muttered as he took a spoonful of his chocolate cake, “Earth to Sehun - why did you order me to come here?” he then proceeded to say, after not receiving any reaction from Sehun sitting across of him.

“I’m gonna get my prostate checked.”

Loud coughing broke through the soothing atmosphere and soft tunes of orchestral music coming from the speakers of the shop as Jongin tried to not choke on a piece of cake that was currently stuck in his throat.

“...w-why would you do that for?!” Jongin coughed again, wiping a tear out of the corner of his eye as he slowly calmed down.

“Just a precautionary measure.”

Sehun was dreamily nibbling on his straw and Jongin raised one eyebrow in utter disbelief. There was no way that his best friend would willingly allow anything near his ass just for a precautionary measure.

“Sehun,” Jongin felt like a mother pep-talking her young teenage boy who was about to have gay sex for the first time, “... you have never bottomed before and now you are telling me that you are willing to let some old fart shove a finger up your ass?”

Next to them a young lady covered the ears of her little girl before throwing them a judgmental look that Jongin bluntly ignored.

Sehun, however, simply rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his broad chest.

“‘Course not - I was thinking of a young doctor with a feline smile instead.” he deadpanned and Jongin was glad that he hadn’t taken another sip of his drink otherwise he might have really suffocated this time.

“You - what?! Sehun that’s not his job!”

“He is a doctor.”

“Yes, but not an urologist!”

The lady next to them rose to her feet, cursing something under her breath that sounded like, “spoiled youths,” before she took her daughter and tugged her along out of the coffee shop but not without sending Jongin and Sehun another deadly glare.

After a moment of silence which Sehun spent pushing the marshmallow floating on top of his hot chocolate from one side of the cup to the other as Jongin tried to sort out the string of thoughts inside his head, the later finally raised his voice,

“... you must really like him.” Sehun met Jongin’s eyes at that before he pierced his straw through one of these fluffy, white marshmallows just to pop it into his mouth it,

“He’s interesting - a challenge.” he answered after happily munching on the sweet treat.

Jongin bit back a laugh - for as long as Sehun had known him, he had never had to ask for anyone to sleep with him. There were boys and girls lining up to get under his best friend, so hearing Sehun talk about a “challenge” made him grin triumphantly.

“Well,” they were playing Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony in the background making the whole cafe seem more antique as it actually was, “He told me that he usually gets his morning coffee here so you might rather consider that as your next plan instead of... you know.”

“Imagine his face when I tell him to touch me there though. His cheeks will flare up in an adorable pink while the corners of his eyes crinkle in embarrassment.”

“He is my neighbor - please stop putting these disturbing images into my head.”

“... Better come up with a plan for what you’ll do when I fuck him so hard that he is screaming my name with the headboard hitting against the wall. I’ll make sure we are loud enough so that you won’t feel lonely while eating dinner next door.”

Jongin felt very tempted to take off his sneakers and throw them at Sehun’s rude face but the fact that those were new Jordans held him back. He threw an ice cube from his drink instead - luckily without getting caught by one of the waiters working at the cozy shop. It hit Sehun right in the forehead, but he didn’t even budge, already too deep in thought again.


Jongdae doesn’t know how he survived medical college and all the extra hours at the hospital when he was still a resident. He dragged his tired feet into the coffee shop, ready to feed his body some deserved caffiene.

He was wearing a pair of slim jeans and a beige sweater to keep him warm since it had gotten quite chilly in the mornings.

The lady at the counter greeted him with her usual dashing smile as if she could think of nothing better to do but work at the coffee shop at 7a.m.

However, she just gestured him over to the end of the counter where one usually picked up their finished orders which had Jongdae furrow his brow in confusion.

“The usual, right?” she asked in her sing-song voice, long black hair tied up in a ponytail and long slender fingers working on the coffee machine. Women are indeed beautiful creatures; too bad Jongdae had never felt attracted to them in a sexual kind of way.

“Yes, please.” he mumbled, already pulling out his card to pay for his order when the waitress placed his steaming black coffee and a chocolate muffin on the wooden surface in front of him.

“Someone already paid for it yesterday.” she explained as Jongdae shot her a confused-puppy look, “Looks like someone is trying to woo you, Doctor Kim.” her voice was soft and yet Jongdae could hear the slightly envious tone in it.

He quickly got out a “Thank you.” before snatching his coffee cup and the muffin - one should never waste free food, old college student rule - and stumbled back inside of his car.

Who would actually notice someone like him and even go that far to buy him coffee without leaving a single trace? It wasn’t like he was drop-dead gorgeous or anything like that - he hardly stuck out amongst the grey crowd of people who walked in and out of this coffee shop day by day.

Jongdae wasn’t sure if this was the start of a good or rather bad day - he didn’t have another option but to just find out as the hours ticked by.

When he arrived at the praxis Baekhyun was already seated on top of his desk, scattering crumbs of his (bagle) bagel all over the surface but since Jongdae received free food this morning he decided to let it go for once.

Ignoring Baekhyun’s curious glances at the chocolate muffin - since he usually hated sweet things - Jongdae takes off his coat and allows himself to fall into his armchair.

Spreading his sore limbs he yawned audibly.

“I’d ask you if you are on your period or pregnant but since I’m a doctor and that wouldn’t be biologically possible - let me ask you who bought you breakfast instead.” Baekhyun crossed his legs and looked over his shoulder, watching his boss taking a small bite of the muffin.

“I don’t know - the waitress said that someone already paid for it yesterday.”

Baekhyun’s eyes grew wider than they ever had and Jongdae was questioning if the other had been a owl in his previous life,

“Someone is hitting on you in such a romantic way,” he folded his hands like he was Virgin Mary in person, “...it’s like in one of these romance novels where he watches and yearns for you from afar - desperately waiting to be noticed.”

“This ain’t Hollywood but a praxis - get your head out of the clouds!” Jongdae savored the last bite and swallowed it - making an internal note to buy muffins more often from now on.

“I should rather be careful to not be poisoned, besides what if it was a woman and not a guy?” he pointed out while grimacing at the bitterness of his coffee.

Baekhyun huffed at that before he broke into a fit of laughter - rolling over the floor and holding his stomach.

“Kim Jongdae - by all means - there is no way that a woman could put up with all of your sass and rationality.” he panted out before throwing his bagel wrapping into the trash can.

“What about the kid from yesterday or rather the guy - ‘cause I checked his profile and he is already 24 years old.”

Jongdae bit his tongue, hissing as he also spilled some of the hot liquid over his jeans - lucky him that his white coat would hide the spot.

“Never - he is still young - even at 24. Why would someone like him - ”

“... what do you mean by someone like him? “

“Don’t cut me off - I meant to say that someone who looks like he just walked down a Giorgio Armani runway - can’t possibly be into something like me.”

“... okay, you’ve got a point there.” Baekhyun admitted while giving him a mocking once-over which earned him a well-deserved punch against the shoulder.

Their bickering stopped when the receptionist poked her head through the door, waiting for the two men to notice her presence before she gave up and knocked against the wooden frame which had both their heads snapping up immediately.

“Sorry to interrupt you,” she paused to shoot a curious gaze at the two flustered men before she continued, “....but there is a young man outside who says he isn’t feeling well so I asked him to sit in the waiting room. He is currently flipping through some kind of children comic book about fairies - maybe you should really examine his head.”

Jongdae’s eyebrows rose but he immediately reached for his black glasses and shrugged on his white coat. Baekhyun’s hand came up to help him snap in the last two buttons before playfully hitting his chest,

“Go do your job, doc.”

The receptionist chuckled but fell silent when Jongdae shot her a warning glare. He followed her outside completely ignoring the fact that Baekhyun could have taken care of that patient as well but since he was well aware that the other’s first patient of the day was Mister Park - he decided to have mercy on him for once.

Jongdae walked into the waiting room, hands hidden in the pockets of his white coat as he almost dropped his stethoscope that was dangling around his neck,

“...why are you here?”

“Stupid question. Because I’m sick.” Sehun lowered the fairy book down onto the table and shot Jongdae a wide grin.

“No, you are not.”

“... I have a fever!” the last statement sounded more like a stubborn child trying to force his will onto him but Jongdae sighed in defeat and gestured for the other to follow after him. Some elderly woman had just entered the waiting room and he didn’t want to leave a bad impression on her.

The grin on Baekhyun’s face that formed when he spotted Sehun tailing after his best friend grew even wider and he shot his best friend a little wink before disappearing into one of the treatment rooms.

“Do you believe in fate?”

Sehun paced over to the chair and sat down - gaze lingering over Jongdae expectantly, who carefully closed the door behind them,

“As a doctor I do not believe in such irrational things such as fate, so no.” he paced through the room to rest the back of his hand over Sehun’s forehead - his skin prickled under the touch but he kept a straight face.

“Fair enough, though I do think that it was meant for us to meet.”

“I was about to say you have no fever and are good to go but maybe I should keep monitoring you for what you just said.”

“Does that include you pampering me?” Sehun’s finger was playfully pulling on Jongdae’s white coat. Jongdae felt his breath hitching,

“Never mind - go to class kid.”

However, Sehun wouldn’t back off easily this time so he quickly reached out and forced the shorter to straddle his lap while one hand found Jongdae’s neck to gently pull their foreheads together.

Jongdae could hear his heartbeat loudly beating inside his chest - Sehun’s breath was ghosting over his face and his body was trembling when the ran his thumb over his high cheekbones,

“You have to run a proper check-up on me, Dr. Kim.”

Sehun enjoyed how Jongdae’s tiny hands had come to rest on his shoulders in the heat of the moment, and how his small body fit so well between his palms. Their noses were lightly brushing against each other and as Jongdae tried to pull away he felt Sehun’s grip on his neck tightening - keeping them close,

“Did you enjoy your free coffee this morning?”

“How - ?”

“It’s almost cute how slow you are - do you usually not notice when someone is hitting on you?” Sehun chuckled before his thumb outlined the plush lips - he was even more beautiful and breathtaking from up close.

In all these 29 years, Jongdae could not remember a single person who had caused his heart to beat this fast - no one else had lit his body on fire with a single smirk or just a lingering gaze that he could feel on him. It was embarrassing and thrilling at the same time, how Sehun could make his cheeks burn a faint red.

Sehun was a stranger - someone whom he had found on top of his couch a few days ago and yet it didn’t feel wrong to be so close to him.

“I’m older than you!” Jongdae tried to reason but was cut off by a pair of lips ghosting over his own.

“... so what?” Sehun closed the last bit of distance between them and pecked the full lips - once, twice before he felt how Jongdae’s arms circled around his neck, intensifying the kiss. He allowed Sehun to coax his mouth open and lick inside hungrily.

Only a breathy moan pulled Jongdae back out of his daze and he pushed Sehun away, stumbling backwards until his back hit the white wall behind him. His chest was rising quickly and his face was completely flushed.

Why did he lower his guard? What made him allow such intimate body contact?

“Get out.” his voice was shaking while his eyes met Sehun’s pitch-black ones.

Sehun sighed, but stood up and walked over to him - one hand resting over Jongdae’s head against the wall while the other was almost gently stroking over his cheek,

“You are pretty cute when you try to act all superior.”

“Leave, or I’ll use this stethoscope to strangle you.” Jongdae mumbled stubbornly - mouth pulled into an adorable pout which made Sehun laugh before placing a soft peck on the doctor’s forehead.


The ticking of the clock hanging on the wall grew louder as Jondae slid down the wall - head falling on top of his knees while he tried to calm down his raging heartbeat.

If he was like the calming sea then Sehun was the wind causing the storm to rise within him.

He dusted off his white coat, grabbed his black clipboard and asked his receptionist to send in the next patient for the day. All he could do now was bury himself in work and hope that his heart would eventually calm down - which it didn’t.

On top of that he could stop touching his own lips when he caught his own reflection in the mirror - he kept recalling the feeling of warmth but also a yet unknown desire that had flooded his body the moment Sehun had closed the distance between them.

The following week seemed to be taken right out of some cheesy drama where the male lead was trying his hardest to win over the heart of the female lead - in this case, Sehun kept buying Jongdae coffee in the morning and disturbing the during his office hours.

He sometimes came by because of a stomach ache but the most ridiculous excuse had been that his heart couldn’t stand the distance for any longer.

Jongdae was slowly starting to wonder if the was attending his lectures properly yet he couldn’t deny that he enjoyed the attention that was being showered upon him. However, Sehun kept his distance and only went as far as kissing the back of Jongdae’s hand as he walked him home one day after work.

It felt like a new chapter was beginning in his trifle life but Jongdae had yet to decide if he’d allow it to be written or to just keep it all in his head.
( Part 2 )

rating: nc17, lenght: one-shot, pairing: sechen

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