I must admit to being somewhat disappointed. Despite the usual slew of phone calls pointing out how obvious a trap this is, I have yet to see any evidence. Furthermore, my turkey has proved remarkably boring. I was expecting something at least as interesting as last year, but I suppose an infinite turkey loop was just too difficult for
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It sounds like that this place has been very good to you and your hiv-I mean home is full of good people!
[I mean, now that his evil brainwashing genocidal maniac of an ex-girlfriend isn't his wife anymore...
And he misses her.
Yeah this house is actually pretty messed up.]
Concerning the turkeys: today, from what I gather, is some sort of holiday in the time this town is modeled from. This holiday involves, among other things, eating turkeys. Last year said turkeys were poisoned, boobytrapped, and in some cases came alive and attacked those they were sent to. Thus, the immediate assumption that these turkeys are also likely to be more than they seem.
So this Holiday wants people to eat turkeys and be thankful. This is such a weird thing to celebrate! Are all Human holidays like this?
[She's is the most curious.]
Human psychology is a fascinating thing, I have found. I take it you are another species entirely, yes?
Yes. I'm a troll!
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