Yeah, I'm in the middle currently, and the urge to post about it comes with the urge to use pretty icons. They exist, but not always for characters I want to make sparkly eyes at. I guess only two of these apply, but still.
At first I wasn't really enjoying it because the characters seem a little flat compared to the FE7 or PoR/RD cast, and so far it still isn't exactly piquing my fangirl interests (I followed Eirika instead of Ephraim so maybe that has something to do with it), but there's just something about Fire Emblem where I HAVE to see my well-trained soldiers class up.
FE7 is better? I was kind of judging the older games by 8, and decided they're probably all generic but likable, which wouldn't be a surprise considering how old school they look. FE8 reminds me strongly of FF4. It's the same plot, really.
I'm interested to see what the story and character quality are like in Shadow Dragon. If it's just a remake, will they have improved on the original, or did they just remake it with better graphics and a few more battle options?
Ha, these really are good games for leveling. It's so rewarding to see someone class up. I don't even know why.
Comments 5
I'm interested to see what the story and character quality are like in Shadow Dragon. If it's just a remake, will they have improved on the original, or did they just remake it with better graphics and a few more battle options?
Ha, these really are good games for leveling. It's so rewarding to see someone class up. I don't even know why.
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