Welcome back to The Taden Family Legacy!! Last chapter we got to see Camden be super cute and the birth of Ashlynn! This chapter is a little short but it covers a lot! I hope you enjoy and please comment!
Great chapter! All the kids are so cute! Yay! More babies! If you want to see more Johnson babies chapter4 is out :) But it had to be split into two because LJ said it was too big...
I am soo hooked to your legacy! I love how you write! And I love all of the kids so I really can't decide. And for the red room, I don't know if you have one, but maybe an office with a couple of desks for the kids to do their hw. But that's just a suggestion. And here are some names. Boys- Kellan, Emmett, Vinny. Girls- Lina, Elaina, Brianna
I'm glad you like it! Thanks for the names and they idea! I actually already have a plan for the room though. I have wrote down all the names except Kellan, I love that name but I have already used it! Thanks so much!
My favorite part? "I don't got this! She just picked her nose!!" LMAO! Ashlynn's pout is so cute! She's going to be so adorable as she grows up. Camden turned out to be quite the good looking kid. I always have bad luck when they get to that stage, sometimes it takes them until they become adults to grow out of it lol! Great job.
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! Ashlynn reminds me so much of her mother when she was that age. I was actually surprised Camden turned out to look so cute at this stage. He reminds me of his uncle Miles at this age.
Love it! I love all the kids :) I have to say Ashlynne is my favorite, just because she's the only girl. But Camden is adorable too. I'll have to see more of the twinsies before I can really decide though.
I like Camden but I think Ashlynn is growing on me! I haven't played my game since this chapter so I'm not sure about the twins either. I am hoping they will have at least one more girl! I am planning on having two more children so maybe they will!
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Bigbensbabe, beeberz98
Bigbensbabe, Beeberz98
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