Nameless, R, Supernatural

Oct 31, 2009 00:29

Title: Nameless
Rating: R
Pairing: Gen
Summary: What if, before one person said yes, another said no?
Warnings/Spoilers: Single instance of horror/gore
A/N: the idea came to me four years ago on Christmas Eve while at a Midnight Service. I really don't like going to church
Superbly beta'd by mad_jaks

She had a name, once )

supernatural, fic, one shot

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Comments 18

karaokegal October 31 2009, 16:28:25 UTC
Obviously, I'm reading blind except what I know from fandom secrets and general zeitgeist, but there's some powerful imagery in there. I like the internal depiction of the woman and her decision and the pain it led too.

Thanks so much for coming to the party. The bar awaits you. :)


my_young_friend November 1 2009, 19:58:42 UTC
Thanks! I shall very much enjoy a shirley valentine (work tomorrow, after all)!


karaokegal November 2 2009, 18:34:16 UTC
I'll save you some hard stuff for the weekend. In the meantime...a round of hot chocolate for the house.


samstjames October 31 2009, 18:33:09 UTC
So, I've got no idea about SPN (not really), but the idea of this fic is absolutely fascinating.


my_young_friend November 1 2009, 19:59:25 UTC
Thank you, both for your kind words and taking the chance on the fandom.


mad_jaks November 1 2009, 16:02:44 UTC
I was totally intrigued by the idea of this when you outlined it to me that first time. And I am in absolute awe of how it turned out. Well done you!


my_young_friend November 1 2009, 20:00:29 UTC
Well done to you, as well! You really helped to polish this from a rough tumblestone!


mad_jaks November 1 2009, 20:12:19 UTC


michelleann68 November 1 2009, 19:33:06 UTC
wow... that was just awesome. Who the 'monsters' are is never really seen in the show, you did a fantastic job fleshing out one and really making it tangible in such a non tangible way.

The Ellen/Sam and Dean conversation was spot on and sounds just like the bickering we get from the show.

Fantastic costume.


my_young_friend November 1 2009, 20:02:09 UTC
The SPN characterisation was my biggest worry, so I'm really glad it worked. I'm glad you liked the idea, as well. Wasn't sure how well something like this would go down - wasn't sure if the SPN bit would just feel tacked on.


michelleann68 November 1 2009, 20:11:33 UTC
I really like that it played as part one and part 2 with the perspectives. Watching the show you see the bad things, but rarely do we get to see the journey of how they got there. I think it worked well and the banter was a nice counter to the heavy black weight of the first part to really give the fic balance.


borgmama1of5 November 2 2009, 20:02:16 UTC
This was fabulous!

The insight from the demon's perspective was chilling, showing how it was formed from human choices and despair.

And the Sam/Dean/Ellen interaction rang right to character, I could hear them saying and thinking what you wrote.

Have you written other SPN fic?


my_young_friend November 2 2009, 20:14:40 UTC
Thank you! No, I've never written SPN before, so knowing the characterisation is right is quite a relief.


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