2) What was your dream growing up? Ah~ I had many... being a teacher was one... but not anymore *shudders* Now the the thought of becoming a teacher scares me XD
speaking of teaching, i had to teach the japanese class today...i was teaching them katakana...and when they werent listening i had to scream out 'kiitekudasai' it means 'please listen'...'kiite' is the 'te form' for kikimasu [plain form is 'kiku'] which means listen...'kudasai' is just a polite thing, it means 'please'...hope that makes sense~ haha...after my friend was like...'you should be a teacher' im like...'yeah, lots of people say that' i will stick with fashion...[design reita's gazette's clothes]
3) What talent do you wish you had? I soooo wish I could draw *sighs*
im sure your all good~ hai~~~ i would probably wish i was good at japanese~ haha~~~ or like maths...haha~~~
5) Favorite vegetable? Tomatoes
gomen...demo...tomato is a fruit~ hehe~~~ *hugs*
11) What is your favorite sport? Ano... me no likes sport... besides Karate *lol*
( ... )
when i saw a comment from you i was bouncing off my walls~ yay~~~
hehe~ but but...i cant be that good~ i dont think imm a teacher sort of person~ haha~~~ haha~ well i was surprised when they listened to me~ they were well behaved really...and it was kind of fun...
hai~ it is~ kudamono!~ [fruit] hm~ true its weird, but yeah...HAHAHA~~~ kawaii~~~
hai~ so do i~
aw~ but they look good on people [some] but im sure they look good on you, you just dont see it that way~ *pinches cheeks*
specially for me~~~ woooh!~ *jumps up and down* im sooo excited now~ i know it will be awesome!~
awww~ i dooo~~~ *hugs you tight and doesnt let gooo*
ne~ gomen~ i dont remember either to be honest~ most likely i read your fikku's...??? or we happened to read the same one...??? i dont know really~ haha~~~
Comments 12
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sooo original and sooo cute at the same time~
5) Favorite vegetable? eww none
sooo reminded me of rei then...wahhh~ hes sooo cute~ such a dork but an adorable cute dork all rooled into one~ love him~ *clings to his arm*
13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me? Ummm sit and talk about Reita!
*nods* yes!!!~~~ that conversation could go on forever!!!~~~ [not that i mind much...anything reita is good~]
34) Pacman?
that 'yay' just reminded me of kurosagi...yamapi always says 'yay' quite a bit...[has recently been watching dramas...]
yay~ thank you for taking the quizzy thing...(^___^)~~~
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2) What was your dream growing up?
Ah~ I had many... being a teacher was one... but not anymore *shudders* Now the the thought of becoming a teacher scares me XD
speaking of teaching, i had to teach the japanese class today...i was teaching them katakana...and when they werent listening i had to scream out 'kiitekudasai' it means 'please listen'...'kiite' is the 'te form' for kikimasu [plain form is 'kiku'] which means listen...'kudasai' is just a polite thing, it means 'please'...hope that makes sense~ haha...after my friend was like...'you should be a teacher' im like...'yeah, lots of people say that' i will stick with fashion...[design reita's gazette's clothes]
3) What talent do you wish you had?
I soooo wish I could draw *sighs*
im sure your all good~ hai~~~ i would probably wish i was good at japanese~ haha~~~ or like maths...haha~~~
5) Favorite vegetable?
gomen...demo...tomato is a fruit~ hehe~~~ *hugs*
11) What is your favorite sport?
Ano... me no likes sport... besides Karate *lol* ( ... )
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hehe~ but but...i cant be that good~ i dont think imm a teacher sort of person~ haha~~~ haha~ well i was surprised when they listened to me~ they were well behaved really...and it was kind of fun...
hai~ it is~ kudamono!~ [fruit] hm~ true its weird, but yeah...HAHAHA~~~ kawaii~~~
hai~ so do i~
aw~ but they look good on people [some] but im sure they look good on you, you just dont see it that way~ *pinches cheeks*
specially for me~~~ woooh!~ *jumps up and down* im sooo excited now~ i know it will be awesome!~
awww~ i dooo~~~ *hugs you tight and doesnt let gooo*
question: who are you? :3
and why are you on my friend list?
I really cant remember talking to
you or adding you -cant remember
begging you to befriend me either.
since we share the same love for
reita its not like I wouldnt add
you -its just...well...who are you? ^^;
*nods* rei = ai~
hehe~ um...hopefully i am your...friend~? hehe~~~
so its more like we both were
freaking over the same one or
something |D
I'll add you now * _ *
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13) What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me? Fangirlise course XDD
hai!!~ me talk about reita for like none stop!~ haha~~~ serious too~
18) What was your first impression of me? You wrote very cute comments =]
aw~ really? (^///^)~~~ reita was missing a little someone 'someone'~~ *cough*
woooh~ thanks for filling this out~ *hugs*
This is the only entry i see posted on here....?
A bit confuddled.. XD
anyways~ um...this is the only post here~ haha~ (^///^)~~~
i dont post things very often or at all...have to get things fixed up and what not~ and school isnt helping~ *sigh*
hope that helps and unconfused you ne~
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