
Feb 14, 2005 21:58

Stolen from cujosmurf

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Say whatever you like about me, it doesn't have to be a love note, they can be friendly or unfriendly comments, complimentary or abusive, whatever you wish.

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Comments 31

kmazzy February 15 2005, 13:47:35 UTC
you are the cool. the total cool. you have never ever let me down, ever, and that is very important to me. you have huge amounts of love for many people and are brave and do things that scare you.

also you are huge fun and make me smile. but wah - you do live so far away and i am sad that things are weird with D and i otherwise i could visit you!

but yes, you need to stop worrying about other people so much! it's nice, but eventually people may stop telling you things because they will worry that you will worry about them too much!



my_mundane_life February 15 2005, 14:33:38 UTC
Aww thank you :) I love you too!
Maybe things will work out between you and D soon or I'll move closer.
You're right about the worrying. I need to stop worrying and start working harder on my thesis and then I'll have no time to worry or to sit and listen to people telling me things ;)


cillygirl February 16 2005, 01:52:23 UTC
you're the most caring person i've ever met... besides my mum! :)


my_mundane_life February 16 2005, 14:05:04 UTC
Aww thanks.
Your mum must be great ;) hehe


caro1yn September 2 2005, 12:49:35 UTC
hello there

when i was in first year at queens, you were one of the tutors for myra hird's soc101 class (which i loved), but i wasnt in your class.

ive seen some of your posts on nine, mirium and karen's journals, and i reckoned it was about time i said hi.

so,, hi!


my_mundane_life September 2 2005, 13:06:25 UTC
I've seen you around on lj too but hadn't realised you were in Myra's module.
Are you still doing Sociology? If so I'll probably see you around - I don't know what you look like though so say hi if you see me :)


caro1yn September 2 2005, 13:11:36 UTC
i just finished in june, but i was in canada during graduation, so im doing that in december instead.

i really remember her 101 module as being an eye - opener for me, she is so coherent and interesting, and so ovbiously loves her area of research. i really wanted to do the sexual difference module in 2nd year but she was on maternity leave by that stage.

i am hopefully going to go on to do some postgrad work, but i dont really know where, or when, or what!

i will definitely say hi next time i see you about.


my_mundane_life September 2 2005, 13:16:25 UTC
I didn't go to my graduation either - at all. I just didn't fancy it. I guess I'll go to my PhD one as Myra wants to come over from Canada for it which is kind of a big deal.

I was in Canada this summer too - visiting Myra actually! It was fab - especially Niagara :)

Myra is an amazing lecturer and I need to get some tips before I get a proper job at some stage. She's still unofficially my supervisor luckily for me.

What are you hoping to do a PhD in? Would it be in sociology at queen's? I guess I'll have left by then as I should be finishing in May/September. Oh hang on, just re-read your comment and you don't know any of that ;) Do something on gender and sexuality - just my unbiased biewpoint - but if you liked Myra's stuff...

I'll add you to my friends' list.


debslover September 10 2005, 11:25:37 UTC
thanks for trying to assist Debbie....also adding you to my list of friends..for what it's worth


sarahs_muse September 12 2005, 21:31:31 UTC


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