Aug 21, 2007 14:17
Apparently, funding an underground dog fighting league, providing gambling money to the league, and brutally murdering 8 dogs for the sole reason that they were "underperforming", only gets you 12-18 months in jail and possibly a $250,000 fine (which is chump change if you're an NFL star).
What The Fuck.
Aug 07, 2007 17:38
"Dear God,
I wasn't breast-fed and most of my conversations with men seem to revolve around music. I'm no musician, but the pain has been instrumental. My senses: finely tuned instruments of being lonely, of being loved, of being hue man. I'm no musician, but my life seems to be orchestrated by the likes of women."
-Saul Williams
Jul 20, 2007 11:32
Apparently it is totally okay to just throw a dirty diaper on the ground so someone else has to clean it up. Who knew?
Jun 17, 2007 04:27
The Erinyes curse my name for the indecisiveness I, myself, embody.
Jun 03, 2007 11:10
What you have forgotten will soon forget you.
May 28, 2007 19:28
Dissecting words
May be clever
But I aim to live verbs
May 21, 2007 21:55
You are so lame, you always dissapoint me.
May 18, 2007 00:32
keep all your crows away
hold skinny wolves at bay
in silver piles of smiles
may all your days be gold my child
May 05, 2007 02:17
The weight
countered by sleep
I'd rather hide
like the mouse
your knees
Night terrors + shakes
Cause + effect-quakes
Black spots
my waist