Original: The Hut on the Lake (Trey) G

Oct 02, 2010 17:03

Title: The Hut on the Lake [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Trey Donovan (mention of El and Max)
Rating: G
Summary: While he's found something to pass the time, a rainstorm makes Trey wonder what's he missing in the "real world".
Warning: post-series by about 350 years and so AU it's actually original *Written for Round 31 of prompt-in-a-box. Prompt #6 (image under the cut)
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's.

How the house had managed to stay standing was beyond him. Half the roof needed repairs, the windows were broken and the dock was simply gone. When Trey Donovan moved in, he wasn't terribly impressed, but there was also a little bit of him that relished the challenge of making the place habitable.

Trey had all the supplies and tools he'd ever need, not to mention the supplies needed to live - food, clothes and the like. It was quiet, had a great view and it was all his. The weather was, of course, perfect - from the perfectly-placed clouds to the just right breeze and the temperature that, after a few hours of work, called for a swim to cool off... and he didn't have to shave. It was like heaven.

The only real downside was that it was just that: Heaven. Well, of the options he was offered to spend the rest of his days, this was the most... him. The place looked like home, which was a joke, really, as he left home as soon as he could.

That particular afternoon, Trey was working on fixing the deck that connected the house to the non-existent dock. That was the next project on his list, that he'd get to whenever. He didn't want to fix everything right away, of course, because he'd then have nothing to do for the rest of time.

Trey leaned over the edge, reaching for the bolt he needed to tighten and groaned. Pulling himself back up, Trey threw the wrench down and pulled his shirt off. Hauling himself off the side of the deck, Trey took a second to let the water cool him off, then popped up between the bare joists.

Trey pulled himself up and reached for the wrench again, then dropped under the deck and tightened the bolt. The sound of the windchimes hanging from the eave outside the bedroom window caught Trey's attention and he ducked back out from under the deck and glanced up at the sky.

Out of nowhere, clouds had built up and the sky was growing darker. Grimacing, Trey tossed the wrench back onto the deck and hauled himself out of the water. He managed to pull the tools just inside the house and turned back with a raised eyebrow as the rain started to come down.

The wind caused the collection of paper airplanes hanging from the ceiling to bob and weave on their strings and Trey had to reach up and untangle two of the planes. Taking a deep breath, Trey moved back over to the doorway and sat down in the opening.

He had known that he wasn't going to survive, no matter how much he wanted to. A lot of things he'd expected, planned or hoped for were never meant to be. As the storm strengthened, Trey wondered who was crying. Was it his son, Max? Had enough time passed that it was it the baby he would never know?

A drip of water on his head pulled Trey from his thoughts and he glanced up to the roof. Wincing as another drop landed on his nose, Trey huffed and leaned back to reach for a bucket. As the next drops plunked into the bucket, Trey took another breath and glanced around his new home, trying to figure out what he could work on until the rain stopped.

As a rumble of thunder echoed through the sky, Trey smiled. It would have to be El'Ari. Maybe she was in labor, he thought. Crying and angry at the same time. Or, she was just uncomfortable with the pregnancy. Another rumble of thunder actually got him laughing.

He'd always teased her about getting her pregnant, and she always threatened his life. He wanted to see her pregnant, he wanted to take care of her when she was pregnant; Hell, he wanted her to blame him for the rest of time for getting her pregnant. He wanted to know the baby, to hold him... to teach him about airplanes, as he had Max. He wanted to watch his boys grow up.

Letting out a slow breath, Trey frowned. This place would never be perfect, regardless of how perfect it looked. It wouldn't be perfect until he could share it with his family. And that was never going to happen.

-prompt_in_a_box, goldfish

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