Original: Burn Scars

Apr 01, 2016 23:24

Title: Burn Scars [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Massey and Max (mention of El and the rest of the science team)
Rating: PG
Summary: All it takes is one little spark...
Warning: After/around the same time as Bad Dream *Written for Quick Fic Amnesty at writerverse. Prompt: Sweet & Sour, "Arms" (song by Christina Perri), and Hating
Disclaimer: The ( Read more... )

-writerverse, goldfish

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Comments 3

bizarra April 2 2016, 11:49:14 UTC
I'm not crying. It's raining in Take 5.

El's first instinct is to throw Carson out the airlock. But she will discipline him. It ain't gonna be pretty.


erinm_4600 April 2 2016, 12:08:06 UTC
You were warned...


bizarra April 2 2016, 22:19:37 UTC
Yeah Yeah....


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