Original: The Day the Computers Didn't Work (Mrs. M, Mr. T and Ms. S) G

Mar 07, 2011 00:01

Title: The Day the Computers Didn't Work
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Mrs. M (aka mom), Mr. T. (aka mom's boss), Ms. S. (aka mom's coworker) and the MCSD computer guy
Rating: G
Summary: The computers are broken and no one knows what to do!
Warning: crack!fic *Mom needed justification for going to school today as herself, and Mr. T. needed to go as an Assistant Principal. But, they are supposed to dress up like literary characters. So I told mom I'd write her a story so she could be her. And I helped Mr. T. out, too. There is ZERO substance here. Just an inside joke from two weeks ago.
Disclaimer: For once, this one's all mine! Mwhahaha
Orginally posted: October 31, 2008

Mrs. M works at a school.

She makes sure the computers are always on.

Mr. T is the assistant principal. He wears a tie.

One day, the computers didn't work.

"What do we do?" asked Mr. T.

"I don't know," said Mrs. M.

"Let's ask Ms. S.," Mr. T. suggested.

Mrs. M. and Mr. T. found Ms. S. reading a book.

"The computers don't work. What do we do?"

"I have an idea."

They called the man who fixes the computers.

"Can you help us?"

"I will be right there," he said.

He fixed the computers and everyone was happy.


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