Fanfiction: Like Everybody Else (7/11) - Phantom of the Opera

Nov 10, 2011 16:35

Title: Like Everybody Else (7/11)
Fandom: Phantom of the Opera (Leroux)
Rating: Mature (sexual content)
Summary: A sequel to the events of the novel, Christine returns to Erik to live as his wife. But the promises Erik made are difficult to keep, and a kiss is not enough.
Warnings: The sex in this chapter contains elements of force and dubious/non- ( Read more... )

fanfiction: phantom of the opera, fanfiction: erik/christine, fanfiction: like everybody else, fanfiction: persian

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Comments 3

taiba November 12 2011, 06:06:43 UTC
I've been reading it and it's really good, but I've picked up on a few minor mistakes, like Erik saying to Christine "Being my husband shouldn't be a duty", rather than "being my wife", and saing "trolling" when what you probably meant was "trawling".

Would you like me to go through it and edit it? I'd be happy to, and I'm liking reading it :-)


kryss_labryn November 12 2011, 06:15:55 UTC
I have to say, I am greatly enjoying this story! I am curious to see where it will all lead.


my_daroga November 16 2011, 23:13:37 UTC
Thanks! I am glad people are reading and enjoying, at long last.


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