Title: Saving You, Part 1
my_aniFandom: Star Wars
Characters: Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker
Rating: Rated PG-13
Warnings: A little bad language.
Word Count: 2120
Disclaimers: I do not own the rights to anything Star Wars.
Notes: Takes place after The Empire Strikes Back and before most of the events in Return of the Jedi. It takes an AU
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Comments 18
And if you want to friend my Journal, you can. I don't post a whole lot though, I can't every day because there's just no time with my schedule. It'll mostly be my stories, maybe some fan fic recommendations as I run across stories I like, and with an occasional personal post.
Is that the Luke/Vader list you're talking about at Yahoo?
It's PG13 so you might have to change a word or two, but I encourage you to join and post. It's probably the biggest group dedicated to this kind of story.
By the way, thank you for the recommendation!
And I'm anxious to see who knocked Luke down. Will you continue it soon?
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