Original: Sensuality (Wyatt and Adora) PG

Apr 06, 2013 00:24

Title: Sensuality [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Wyatt and Adora (vague mention of most everyone)
Rating: PG
Summary: Adora's trying to get Wyatt's attention away from things he can't change.
Warning: *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: sensuality Original titles are wholly unoriginal.
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

Adora stepped out onto the porch, hair down and clearly ready for bed. Wyatt was sitting on the top step, looking out toward the glow of Central City's lights in the distance. Sitting down next to him, Adora put one arm around his back while her other hand moved to his chest.

"Hey, Tin Man," she whispered against the scruff he still hadn't shaved off. He'd been out for the past week, helping train the newest set of Tin Man recruits, and hadn't bothered to take his razor along.

Admittedly, he would tell everyone it was because shaving wasn't a high priority while surviving in the woods of the Zone. In reality, it was more because he knew that his wife really loved him scruffy.

His hand moved to cover hers and Wyatt turned his head just enough to get a look at the blonde. "Hey," he replied, but said nothing more.

"You've been gone all week, Wyatt," she told him, "and now that you're back, you're sitting out here?" Her eyebrow went up and Adora shifted her weight, pushing him back slightly so that she could climb into his lap.

He smiled as she settled, facing him, and his hands moved to her waist. "Maybe I was waiting for you to come find me?" he replied in a low tone. Adora made a face and leaned to one side so that she could kiss his neck. His eyes closed as she nibbled on his neck, then let out a throaty laugh. "If we were just a few feet closer to the city, we could get arrested," Wyatt told her, his hands slowly moving up her sides.

"Good thing we're not in Central, then," she whispered as her fingers moved to the buttons of his shirt.

"'dor," he said after a moment, then pulled back to look at her. Adora held his face in her hands and stared at him, so that Wyatt knew he had her full attention. "Never mind," he finally added, shaking his head. Adora's hold tightened just enough and her eyebrows went up.

"Talk, Tin Man," she ordered. Wyatt stared at her for a moment then shrugged, as if it wasn't anything important. "Is this about the baby?" she asked, knowing him better than he knew himself, sometimes.

"No," he replied quickly, which pretty much verified Adora's suspicion.

"Wyatt," she warned, putting the slightest pressure against his cheeks and neck.

"I'm happy for them," he said, though it was harder to nod under her hold. "I am." And he really was. But, that didn't keep him from thinking about the 'what ifs'.

"But?" she prompted. She didn't have to, of course. Adora knew that it still bothered Wyatt that the suit had taken away his ability to have any more kids.

"But, nothing," he replied again, reaching up to pull her hands from his face. Adora pulled her hands from his and took his face in her hands again.

"You listen to me, right now, Wyatt Cain. Do not start this, okay? You are not him, I am not her. We are not them. Don't you start thinking I want what they have, okay? We have two beautiful children, who I wouldn't give up for anything in the world. Ever." She gave him a warm, concerned look and nodded.

"We've got the best third child, too," she nodded. "We can spoil Diz rotten and then send her home to her parents. And Sarah," she continued, indicating their granddaughter. "Wyatt, the only relationship stronger than a girl and her daddy..." She raised an eyebrow. "-is a girl and her Grampa." With a nod, Adora gave him a sharp nod. "Believe me, I know."

"I just want you to be happy," Wyatt breathed, leaning forward to bury his face in her neck.

"Oh, Wyatt, I am." Adora's fingers went to his stray curls, and her fingernails traced a light pattern against his scalp. "I'm here, with you," she said quietly. "It's the only place I want to be."

"Always?" Wyatt mumbled against her shoulder.

Adora made a face and pulled back, so she could look at him again. "Forever, Wyatt."

Wyatt closed his eyes and leaned forward again, resting his forehead in the crook of Adora's neck. Adora's fingers went back to his hair, knowing that the simple motions were the quickest way to relax Wyatt.

She smiled, feeling his lips against the bare skin of her neck, and her head turned just enough to give him so more room. "It has been a whole week, Tin Man," Adora breathed, feeling the sparks under his kisses. "Might have forgotten how to do things..."

Wyatt snorted and pulled back as his hands slipped under her nightshirt. "Why don't I believe that?" he asked with a smirk.

"Probably," she replied with a sly grin, shifting just enough in his lap to get comfortable, "because you're a very wise Grampa."

-love_bingo, goldfish

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