Original: Baby Talk (Dree, Diz, Wyatt) G

Apr 03, 2013 01:55

Title: Baby Talk [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Dree, Diz, Wyatt, and Charlie (mention of the Mirage gang)
Rating: G
Summary: They don't know they know each other already, even though they do. But they don't. Not yet, anyway...
Warning: *Written for Round Three of love_bingo. Prompt: wild square Original titles are wholly unoriginal.
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's. And, now gatechic's, by default. Garrett Cain belongs to gatechic and is, as always, used and abused with love. ♥

Isadora ran through the living room, beelining for the kitchen. She knew that Aunt Dree was in there, and she wanted to get in there as fast as possible. Uncle Wyatt was somewhere behind her, but she didn't stop to look.

He knew the way.

When she finally reached the doorway, the five-annual-old beamed. "Hi!"

Dree looked up from the cookbook she was reading and smiled back, just as brightly. "Hi!" She pushed away from the counter and started to turn as Dizzy came around the island. As she wasn't quite too pregnant yet, Dree knelt down so that she could give her pseudo-niece a hug.

"Hello, my beautiful munchkin," Dree greeted as she pressed kisses to Dizzy's cheek. "How are you, today, Miss Singer-Sherwood?"

Diz gave her a proud grin and swayed slightly. "I am fine. Thank you very much." Dree couldn't help but smile at the very proper reply.

"Well, that is very good to hear," Dree nodded, then leaned slightly to look around the counter - though at her current angle she couldn't actually see around it - for anyone else. "Who did you bring, today?"

"Uncle Wyatt," Diz said with a huff, though she loved every minute she had alone with him. "He's talkin' to everybody," she huffed again then smiled as she swayed again.

"He does like to talk, doesn't he?" Dree grinned. "Well, we'll just have to have a snack without him, won't we?" She gave Diz a nod then reached for the counter to help pull herself up. As she returned to upright, Diz placed a hand on her stomach.

"Hello, baby." She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the bulge, then gasped at the feeling of a nudge. She looked up to Dree, wide-eyed.

Dree gave her the same look back and smiled. "I think he heard you, Diz." Her hand moved to where she'd just felt the kick, and waved for Diz to put her hand back. Glancing down at her stomach, Dree asked: "Did you hear Dizzy?"

There was another light kick and both girls smiled at each other. Diz moved a second later, and pressed her ear to Dree's stomach. Wyatt walked in a moment later, leaning slightly to get a look at Diz. "What did I miss?" he asked. Dree gave him a slow wink and waved, while her hand stayed over Dizzy's.

"I'm listenin' to the baby!" Diz announced. A moment later, she leaned back and looked up at Dree. "He wants ice cream."

Dree's eyebrows went wide as Wyatt made a face. "He does? Well, I think that sounds like a very good idea!" Dree pointed to the chairs on the other side of the counter and Diz ran around, where Wyatt was waiting to help her up. Dree moved over to the freezer and pulled out a tub of strawberry ice cream, then nodded to Wyatt.

"You want to join us, Tin Man?" Wyatt glanced down as Diz took his hand and nodded. He motioned to the container and sat down next to Diz.

"Set us up, barkeep!"

-love_bingo, goldfish

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