Original: No Place Left to Hide (Dree and Trey)

Jul 15, 2011 00:03

Title: No Place Left to Hide [ INDEX]
Author: Erin (erinm_4600)
Characters, Pairing: Dree and Trey (mention of El'Ari, Max and the twins; implied Cains)
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Summary: It's time to face that thing she's been avoiding.
Warning: about a year after Buried *Written for Round 40 of prompt-in-a-box. Prompt #12: "I know the secrets that you keep." (I Know Where You Sleep, Emilie Autumn)
Disclaimer: The original characters of The Wizard of Oz belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters of Tin Man belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The OCs are mine and bizarra's.

The room was dark, but that didn't stop Dree from staring at the ceiling as she lay on the bed. Breathing hurt - okay, maybe it wasn't the actual breathing, but there was a distinct pressure on her chest.

Maybe it was in her chest.

Yes, in.

That damn heart.

That thing was a constant pain in her ass, a mutinous turncoat.

"This isn't doing anyone any good, y'know." Her jaw locked, hearing Trey's voice, and her eyes rolled. It was bad enough that her conscience liked to torture her with the faces and voices of those she'd lost, but to go with his...

It was a low, fucking blow.

"Go away," Dree breathed, forcing herself to turn her head away, through the rest of her body didn't move. Trey's response was something between a laugh and a snort. Between the sound he made and the look on his face, his next statement would have been something to the effect of 'Typical...', though he didn’t speak.

"How much longer are you going to keep this up, Aud?" She closed her eyes, his voice cutting into her. Sucking in a breath, she tried to will him away. Dree didn't want to look at him, knowing that one glance would make it impossible for her to look away, but her head automatically turned at her name. She caught sight of him, his dark outline leaning against the wall, and quickly turned her head back again.

"Just leave me be," she whispered, her voice desperate. She should have known that being back in their quarters, their room… their bed... the memories were going to come flooding back.

She really hated this ship.

'Suck it up,' Dree ordered herself. She couldn't be doing this now. She needed to keep it together, but it was becoming so very hard. And, lately, the harder she tried to keep the brave face, the faster the smallest things would cause her to crack.

"I'm not leaving," Trey said in that tone. Dree knew the phantom had moved closer, but she wasn't going to fall for it. "Not until I know what happened to her." Dree huffed and closed her eyes.

"Who?" she finally asked, taking his bait.

Trey knelt next to the bed and pursed his lips for a second. "The woman I fell in love with."

Dree felt the breath in her chest disappear for a moment and she swallowed. "You fell in love with a lie," she stated. It was true, after all. She'd lied to him from the first moment she met him. He knew that, of course, but it wasn’t until much later that she'd admitted it.

"No," Trey countered, reaching for her hand, which was resting at her side, where he used to sleep. As their skin touched, he continued: "I fell in love with you."

Feeling a pressure of contact, Dree's eyes opened. When she realized that the touch was actually warm, Dree rolled herself back and stared at Trey. All of a sudden, the entire room was void of air and she couldn't quite grasp what was going on.

He was there. Trey Donovan was right there, in front of her. Alive. 'Well,' her mind started to argue. Ignoring the cynic who lived in her head, Dree sat up in a swift move, never letting go of Trey's hand. Opening her mouth slightly, all Dree could do was suck in a breath before launching herself into this arms.

"Trey..." she said through the breath, throwing her arms around him and holding her husband as tight as she possibly could. He was there. He was really there. Her brain was shutting down and the only thing Dree knew was that she couldn't let go of him.

Trey pushed up just enough so that he could sit on the bed and turned so that he could hold her. "Aud," he whispered into her hair, turning his head slightly as she also turned and he leaned toward her for a long-overdue kiss.

Dree knew it was a lie, way deep down, but she didn't care. He was there - right there - and that was all she had wanted for the past year. There was a solid person in her arms; he smelled like Trey, he felt like Trey. It was Trey.

She could feel him pulling back and grimaced into the kiss, leaning forward as he pulled back. "No," she mumbled, grabbing at his shirt to keep him there. Trey reached up and held her neck and chin.

"Aud," he breathed, feeling his own heart racing. Oddly enough, it actually hurt. He hadn't felt any of the pain in those moments after he died - he hadn't felt much of anything, actually - but, in this moment, the emotions were almost overwhelming.

Dree was breathing heavily, trying to suck in air between sobs, as her hands traced every line of his face and neck. She needed to be sure it was really him, because every vision she'd had since he left, he'd never been close enough. He was always standing across the room.

"How?" she managed to get out. There was only one way, really, and she knew how he'd managed to be there, but she didn't want to start looking around for whichever of the Gods was responsible. For this, she would do whatever they wanted, until the end of time. And, really, past that, since she’d be around that long.

"I don't have-" Trey started to say, but her hand covered his mouth. She didn't want to hear it any more than he wanted to say it. He wasn't staying, and as far as Dree was concerned, not hearing it meant it wasn't going to happen. "Aud," he said again, pulling her hand away. Tilting his head, he gave her that little smile he knew she couldn't deny.

"Don't you dare say it," she whispered, trying not to smile at his infectious smirk. Her hand rested on his cheek. Trey smiled and turned his head slightly so that he could kiss her palm. He took a deep breath and pulled her hand away before looking at his wife.

Dree reached up to his hairline and pushed his hair around, trying to get it under some control, though it wouldn't matter. It never did. "I miss you," she finally said. She frowned, wanting to curse herself for cracking in front of him, but, at that moment, her emotions were all over the place. And that was before he showed up.

"I miss you, too," Trey replied in a low tone. His thumb was running over her cheek, catching the tears that were starting to fall. "What are you doin', Aud," he asked, half-frustrated. Shifting, Trey pulled her close again and smiled when he got a whiff of her strawberry shampoo. He used to tease her that, between washing in strawberries and the amount she ate on a daily basis, it was a mystery how she hadn't yet turned into one.

"I can't do this," she said, breath hitching. "Not anymore."

"Yes, you can." His hand smoothed her hair and he pressed light kisses to her forehead. Dree had settled against him, her breathing slow and steady, which made him smile. "You can do anything," he whispered, leaning slightly to catch her eye. Pressing another kiss to her forehead, Trey smiled and closed his eyes, enjoying the moment.

"Isn't this just like us?" Dree asked, her voice muffled against his chest. When he pulled back, eyebrow raised, Dree's fingers traced his shirt sleeve and she smiled. "You and me, in bed... fully dressed."

"Eh, can't get it right every time," Trey teased before giving her a squeeze. "Though we did ace it once, didn't we?" He smiled again, forcing his own hurt down. Feeling Dree tense again, Trey pushed her up and turned her toward him. "All right, enough emotional futz," he said directly. "You have to stop this."

Trey shook his head as Dree's mouth opened. He knew what she was going to say, not because of some supernatural force, but simply because he knew her. "Aud... you need to live. For Elly... for Max." At the mention of their son, Dree's eyes and chin dropped. "For Leora and TJ."

Trey gave Dree a shake and leaned slightly to catch her eye. "For you." He sighed and shrugged. "Aud, it sucks. It does. But, shutting everyone out... everything. Honey, I love you, but this-" he shrugged again and shook his head. "This isn't you." He gave her another shake then shifted to pull her into a hug. Pressing a kiss to her forehead, Trey smiled as Dree's hand rested over his heart and he covered her hand with his own.

"Audie, you've got so much right now. Embrace it. Take in every moment. And," he added, leaned again to catch her eye, "you need to stop worryin' about that damn speech. It doesn't matter what you write, 'cause we both know you'll end up saying something completely different, anyway."

Dree ducked her chin again, trying to hide the slight smile creeping. Of all the things he could possibly call her out on, it would be something as stupid as the coronation speech she was dreading. "You're gonna do great, y'know," he told her. "Think about it... you've had the longest trial period ever, and you could stand in front of our friends, wearin' a flour sack and doin' a damn interpretive dance." He kissed her forehead again. "And they'd still give you the unanimous vote."

Trey pulled back and slipped of the bed then turned and knelt down. "C'mere," he said, pulling her against him as he leaned against the bed on his knees. Dree's legs went around him and she smiled, holding his shoulders as Trey stood up and turned around to sit on the bed. Dree settled into his lap and smiled, hooking her fingers together behind his neck.

Trey started kissing her neck - old habits, and all - and Dree's eyes closed. Great Gale, did she miss the man's kiss. Her breath caught as he got closer to her ear and she laughed before flinching and pulling back. "No.. can't..." She quickly crawled off his lap and backed away, hands raised and shaking. She needed space between them because, while her brain knew he wasn't staying, her heart didn't get the same memo.

Trey stood up and took a step toward her, but Dree jumped back. "All right," he said, holding his hands up. "I'm stayin' right here." He gave her a nod and lowered his hands before sitting back down on the bed. Trey took a breath and scratched his neck, then shook his head and waved a hand.

"Stop looking at the big picture. Screw the universe in a hundred years. Right now, you've got three amazing kids, a horny wife," he said with a smirk, "and people who love you... falling out of every open doorway," he continued with a slight chuckle. "And, yes, they will go away. And I wish I could do something about it... but, honey, you can't mourn them before they're gone."

Dree just listened; what could she say really? He was telling her the same thing everyone else had been - though not quite in the same words - and... he was right. They all were. Even she knew her behavior was wrong. And the only one who could change her behavior was her.

So why wasn't she?

"Audie, I'm not sayin' you have to be one hundred percent tonight, sweetheart. Really. But... you’ve got to make some effort."

Dree leaned back and glared at him before she started pacing. "What do you suggest, then, since you're such an expert," she snapped.

Trey smiled and grabbed her wrist as she passed him. "Keep it simple, Aud." He pulled her close and locked his knees around hers, holding her in place. He looked up and her, his hands on her hips. "Stop trying to please everybody all the damn time. Don't do somethin' because you have to. Do it because you want to."

"So, if I don't want to change a smelly diaper," she snarked back.

"Ha," he replied, rolling his eyes. "Keep my kids' asses clean, thanks." He reached up and gave her cheek a light pop, smiling as he did it. Dree forced a pout and grabbed his hand. For a moment, she just held his hand. Trey's thumb grazed along her wrist, letting her take her time before she sat on his lap.

His arms wrapped around her and she leaned back against his chest. Trey bit his cheek for a moment and then nodded. He didn't have a lot of time and he'd saved the part of the conversation he didn't want to have until last. Pressing a kiss to Dree's shoulder, Trey tightened his hold on her. "You know why they're here," he said in a near whisper.

Dree closed her eyes and let out a ragged breath. "The doors, the Mirage." He paused for a moment, trying to keep his voice from shaking. "You've got a second chance, Aud. You need to use it. And you need to start... now." He cursed silently as Dree sucked in a breath. "Because you won't get another one..."

He didn't want to admit it - and, really, there was nothing saying that statement was true - but, said or not, he might as well say it. Slowly, Dree turned toward him and, in a swift move, put her arms around him and buried her head in his neck.

"I can't," she whispered.

Trey glanced down slightly, but he didn't loosen his hold. "You have to. Look at me," he said, pulling back as he pushed her away. Holding her face, Trey raised his eyebrows and nodded. "I love you. Forever."

"Always?" she replied, automatically. It was taking everything she had to keep from crying.

"Eternity," Trey countered with a wink. Dree sucked in a breath and blinked back the tears that were set to fall. Trey pulled her close again and closed his eyes, a tear escaping down his cheek. "I have to go," he said quietly.

Dree heard him, but she was trying to pretend she hadn't. The tears were streaming down her face, regardless of how tight her eyes were squeezed shut. She shifted, trying to hold him even closer. She didn’t want to say it, but she knew... She had to.

Taking a deep breath, Dree moved a hand to his chest, automatically forming her hand into a sign language-'I love you'. Locking her jaw, Dree closed her eyes and nodded. She took another sharp breath and pressed her lips just next to Trey's ear.

"Goodbye," she whispered. Suddenly, Dree felt sick, but she didn't move away. Reaching up to cover her mouth, she started crying even harder than before. A moment later, she forced some composure and wiped at her eyes and nose. Sitting up, Dree looked at Trey, nodded and kissed his cheek, then his lips.

Trey covered her hand with his and gave her a smile. "Love you."

"Love you more," she replied, smiling through the tears. Pulling her hand away from Trey's chest, Dree made herself stand and moved her hand to her stomach, not realizing she hadn't yet unsigned her fingers. She stepped back and covered her hand, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

When Dree opened her eyes, she was alone in the room. Her face screwed up and she dropped her chin, sucking in deep breaths as she tried to calm the tears again. Clenching her jaw, Dree took deep breaths and, once she was calm, opened her eyes. Swallowing, looked down and pulled her hands from her stomach. Noticing that there was something in her clenched hand, Dree frowned and opened her fingers.

There, in her hand, was a dragonfly pendant on a chain. She knew, from her many years, that most cultures took the dragonfly to symbolize courage, strength... happiness. She'd had the same, small, dragonfly pendant since she was two annuals old - a gift from her mother - but this one was larger, fancier...

Taking another deep breath, Dree's hand closed around the necklace and she looked toward the door. There were people she needed to talk to, apologize to... Let in. Sniffing, Dree reached up with her free hand and wiped at her eyes. Sniffing again, Dree swallowed and nodded.

"Go time."

-prompt_in_a_box, goldfish

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