Hello, all!
Sunday's deadline has come and gone (by a few days now), and the submissions are so far absolutely wonderful! Start looking forward to posting!
However, there are several of you who have yet to contact the mods at all concerning your submission. We sent out emails to everyone who had yet to contact us with their status as of Monday afternoon, but we are still waiting on some people.
If you didn't get an email from us and still want to turn something in, do email the mods (mwpp.mischief@gmail.com). We had one known email hiccup on Sunday evening/Monday morning, so if you haven't heard back from us, it's likely that we didn't receive your submission/status update! And, we're more than happy to provide you with an extension if you need it.
Remember: if you do drop out without notification, you are not eligible to participate in any further pick-a-prompt/ldws/exchange fests at the community (and also at
lilyjames_fest since we mod that as well). We don't like to deny anyone participation, so the best thing to do is come to us.
Comments on this entry will be screened, so you may reply here with your status/concerns if need be.
Your Mischief Mods