Marauders Rare Pairs ♦ Fic: A Family

Sep 30, 2011 10:14

Title: A Family
Author: xohxmyxjonas
Pairing: Sirius/Lily/Remus
Rating: G
Word Count: 1, 638 words
Prompt: [AU where only James died] With Harry off to Hogwarts, there is no reason for Sirius and Remus to be around the Potter household as often as they are. It's only then that they realize what they have created with Lily this past decade.
Warnings: None
Summary: After Harry leaves for Hogwarts, Sirius, Remus and Lily have to reevaluate their relationship and find out more about the relationship in the process.
Author's Notes: Thanks for the mods for hosting a fantastic fest and I hope everybody enjoys reading. :)

The day after Harry Potter went to Hogwarts for the very first time, Sirius and Remus showed up at the Potter house at 7:30. They had come by nearly every day at 7:30 for the past ten years, ever since their best friend died and Lily had showed up at their house, holding a crying Harry in her arms and broke down into sobs. From that moment on, it had never been just SiriusandRemus. They were no longer the carefree bachelors who maybe, sometimes, shared a bed. They became SiriusandRemusandLilyandHarry, a family who went to the zoo and bought covers for the counters so that there were no sharp corners that Harry could hurt himself on.

Lily was already awake when Sirius and Remus showed up, together like they always were, and went inside without even knocking. It was really only Lily and Harry’s flat even though Sirius and Remus had their own beds in the guest bedroom and stayed there more often than they stayed at their own flat. She startled when the two of them came into the room where she was staring at the fireplace, mug of tea in hand. “Good morning,” she said after a moment as Remus and Sirius sat down on the chairs opposite her. “Not to be rude but what are you two doing here? I expected you to stop coming once Harry was off to school.”

“Oh…” Remus said and looked over at Sirius, wondering what Sirius thought of the matter. Sirius stared blankly back at him. “Yes, I suppose that you’re right. I didn’t think about it.”

Remus stood up but Lily shook her head, her tea spilling a bit over the side of her mug, burning her hand. “No, you don’t need to leave. It was just… an observation.”

The air between them was charged as they sat, all in silence. Normally Remus and Lily would make breakfast together, laughing together and feeding each other pieces of bacon while Sirius went upstairs to wake Harry up. Harry moaned and grumbled, just like James had done when he was a child, and Sirius would pull all the covers off him and threaten to pour water on him if he didn’t wake up.

“How was last night?” Sirius asked, wondering about the sudden awkwardness. They had never been awkward. It had started when Lily had called Sirius and Remus over when Harry was 2 years old and had broken his leg. Remus and Sirius had started coming over once a week, just to check. It turned into every other day into once a day into coming in the morning and not leaving until it was bedtime, sometimes after.

Lily shrugged, looking down at her tea and swirling it. She remembered when her Divination teacher had told her that she would have many great loves. She had laughed. It was her seventh year and she had been dating James at the time. No, she had responded, she would only have her one great love. Now, she just wasn’t so sure. It made her stomach swirl like the tea. “It was strange. I kept stopping and listening for him breathing but I couldn’t hear him,” she said, thinking about the night before. She had wanted to go over to Remus and Sirius’ flat but she hadn’t wanted to impose. She had dark circles under her eyes.

“Well you’ll get used to it eventually,” Remus said, looking over at the fireplace. He had a sudden thought, one that was running through all their minds. Remus and Sirius should move in. Just so that Lily wouldn’t be alone. To keep her safe. To let her hear somebody breathe during the night. He didn’t voice it out loud. Neither did Sirius or Lily.


It was two weeks later when Remus finally got the nerve to voice it. He and Sirius were alone at their flat, a rare occurrence. They didn’t know what to do with themselves. At Lily’s, they would be talking with her, listening to the radio or doing any number of things. Their flat was nearly empty except for their beds. “It’s a shame that Lily is alone all the time now,” Remus said, his voice shaking slightly. “For her own safety, she really should have somebody there with her.”

“I was thinking the same thing,” Sirius said, smiling at Remus. He hadn’t wanted to approach the subject any more than Remus had. It wasn’t that they were exclusive. They were but it wasn’t official. They slept together when they felt like it and if they happened to kiss each other every once in a while it didn’t mean anything. He shouldn’t be so nervous about the subject. It didn’t mean anything in terms of a relationship; it just meant that they were moving into their dead friend’s wife’s house to keep her safe. That was it.

When they talked to Lily about it the next day, with her dark circles under her eyes and her place in front of the fireplace, she didn’t even hesitate before saying yes.


Sirius was making dinner with Lily and Remus. It was a good day, a day that they got a letter from Harry. He had been sorted into Gryffindor, of course. He had told Remus secretly that he would cry if he wasn’t in Gryffindor and Remus had told him without a doubt that he would be Gryffindor. He had made a bunch of friends already, he wrote. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger and he begged Lily to reconsider talking to the headmaster about letting him on the Quidditch team. He was a fantastic seeker. They were all excited that he was happy there, even though they all three missed him.

It shocked Lily when she was suddenly face to face with Sirius, her lips only inches from his. Remus was next to them, so close to them. Lily’s breathing was unsteady as she moved away from Sirius, blinking twice. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

Sirius grabbed her arm. “Don’t be. It’s…”

When Sirius stopped, not able to think of what to say, Remus spoke for him. “After ten years… Ten years, Lily. I didn’t notice until after Harry left. I didn’t notice what happened, how close we all got.”

“We’re friends,” Lily whispered, wondering if her husband was watching, wondering if he could see them after death, wondering if he would want her to seize happiness. She knew the answer would be yes to the last question. Her heart pounded.

Sirius nodded, cupping her cheek with one hand. Her skin was soft. He knew that. He knew her bedtime routine with her skin softening charms and anti-aging potions. For weeks, she would wake up in gasping sobs in the middle of the night because her husband was gone, dead, gone!, and she couldn’t handle it. For weeks they had slept in the same bedroom, taking turns getting up in the middle of the night with Harry. “It’s no different. Kissing. Me and Remus have been doing it for years.”

Lily looked over at Remus and he nodded encouragingly because he had been thinking about it too. He had been wondering what it was like, hoping for a relationship between them. He was glad that Sirius had said it. He hadn’t wanted to say it. “You and Remus?”

“Yeah, kissing. This home, this home is ours. Could you ever imagine being with another man? Having another relationship?” Lily’s eyes told Sirius the answer and he continued, his own heart pounding. “If you don’t want… with us then we don’t have to, Lily. We don’t want you to be uncomfortable. But we already have that. I already love you and Remus.”

Lily couldn’t breathe. Her breaths were coming in short gasps as she looked between Sirius and Remus. “I love you, Lily. I think I’ve loved you since Hogwarts,” he said, a faint blush tinting his cheeks because he had never said that out loud before. “And I love Sirius.”

Looking down, Lily considered it. She remembered when Harry had been 5 and had asked if Sirius and Remus were his daddy. That was how he asked it. If they were his daddy. She had told him no, had showed him pictures of James and when he was older they visited his grave and left flowers. She had cried that night. Sirius and Remus had held her and their lips had brushed against her cheeks, her forehead, her nose. Maybe her lips, once or twice. It had happened. What made this different?

The implication made it different, she knew that. There was no going back from this. But did she want to? No, she quickly decided. She didn’t want to go back. She loved Remus and Sirius, just as much as they loved her. They were hers. The thought of them being with somebody else, either of them made her heart hurt. And it was with that that she looked up, a smile in her eyes and they both immediately sighed in relief. “We’re going to burn dinner,” she said and her voice broke on the last word.

Remus and Sirius exchanged a confused glance. Lily leaned forward and brushed her lips first across Sirius’ lips and then Remus’.

With that, she turned back to the stove, a small smile playing on her lips. And, with nothing else to do, Remus and Sirius went back to making dinner as well, all three feeding each other bits of food. Nothing changed, except that Remus and Sirius moved into Lily’s bedroom and they kissed, much more than they had. A few months later, when Harry was done with first year and he was getting off the Hogwarts Express, he didn’t just run to Lily, he ran to all three of them. They all hugged him, so thankful that he was back. They were a family. They had been for years.

c: sirius black, c: remus lupin, rating: g, c: lily evans, submission: fic, length: 1k-5k, fest: rare pairs, p: sirius/remus/lily

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