Challenge 26 Voting

Oct 07, 2006 10:40

First off, I'm terribly sorry for the unannounced hiatus. Real life took over with a vengence which forced internet life to be on the back burner for a few weeks. But no worries, I'm back! :)

We didn't have many entries in to the last challenge so this time we will only vote for 2 icons and a first & second place will be awarded.

Without further ado... let's vote!

1. You must be a member of this community to vote.
2. Vote for your top two (2) icons.
3. Don't vote for your own icon and don't ask your friends to vote for you. If you do, you will be disqualified.
4. Voting will end sometime Sunday night (October 8th).

Poll Challenge 26 Voting
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