Title: One Night in Paris
Fandom: Kane RPS
Pairing: Steve Carlson, Jonah Dolan
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Its not true, I wish it were but its not
A/N: No beta as its just a drabble so all mistakes my own
Steve felt his heart skip a beat as he watched Jonah taking in the architecture of the Eiffel Tower. He and Jonah had been playing in bands together for a while and friends for more years than he cared to remember but spending the last few weeks living with him in his apartment in Amsterdam had brought them much closer than he ever thought possible.
He couldn’t help but wonder if the growing feelings he had for Jonah were in any way returned - there’d been moments in the last week when Steve thought Jonah wanted to talk to him about it but it was when Jonah had suggested the short trip to Paris that he really started to think about it seriously. And when they’d checked into the hotel earlier and found the room contained one large bed rather than the twin beds they’d been expecting Jonah had turned to Steve and said ‘You don’t mind sharing do you dude’ as though it was the most natural thing in the world for them to do.
So now Steve found himself in the most romantic city in the world fighting against feelings that he didn’t really want to be having. Not only was Jonah his friend and band mate but, on this trip to Europe, they’d been collaborating on what Steve considered to be some of his best ever work and he didn’t want to fuck that up. He knew that the connection he had with Jonah, and not just the vibe of Europe, was what was making the music so special and, whilst part of him wanted to explore the feelings he had, a larger part of him didn’t want to risk their friendship by reading more into the situation than might be there.
Besides which the last thing on earth that he needed was anything long term - he led far too much of a nomadic lifestyle to even consider a relationship with someone in the USA let alone Europe. Despite this his mind kept wandering and imagining what Jonah may look like spread out on his bed underneath him…. For now though, unless Jonah made the first move, it would have to stay in his imagination…